Post Office rip-off

it’s the Knob who sent it who cannot get their tiny brain around what you can and cannot send within the limits set out by Royal Mail .

I'm afraid that the 'knob' who sent it (my sister) has a life and doesn't have the time to measure bits of foam on a christmas card. I'm pleased that some people do have the time though!
Maybe she should expand her life to opening her eyes and/or ears then?
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Please don't tell me who I'm talking about. The Royal Mail deliver parcels. They have a parcel service, they also deliver items requiring a signature or delivery by a specific time. It is these deliveries I am complaining about.
What’s that got to do with Squeaky'sbeef about the surcharge on his Christmas card :confused:
Further complaint about the Royal Fail.
There are worse & you can find fault with any business if you try, perhaps you’ve upset your postman at some time! As I said if you have a specific complaint, speak to your delivery office manager.
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If my postman is expecting a tip from me this year, the tip is this: Don't knock on my door or you will get a one of those empty wrapping paper rolls shoved up your *rse.
As someone who knows how postal systems work I can tell you that it’s neither your postman or the counter staff you saw at the sorting office who are responsible for the item being withheld form delivery pending excess payment. Out of spec items are detected by the automated sorting system which checks item size against the amount paid. High speed automated systems cannot handle such items so they are rejected & have to be sorted using other, slower methods & ultimately may have to be manually sorted. This costs more & is why you have to pay the excess.

As FMT said, the parameters & charges have been widely publicised by Royal Mail in the Press, advertised on their website & in every Post Office across the country; if the public chose to ignore it, it’s their problem. The high level of the excess may be irritating but is intended to act as an education & deterrent which I assume it will do when you tell your sister about the excess fee you had to pay. ;)

So shoving an empty wrapping tube up your postman’s asre will make no difference at all apart from you getting rightfully prosecuted for assault. :rolleyes:

So let's get this right - higher postage is charged, because the automatic machines can't process odd shaped items/heavy items, and the process reverts to the manual system? You mean the same system used for a hundred years at a cheaper cost for everything including the odd sized items?

So how does that justify the extra cost? If the automated machines are unable to do their job, get rid of them, and reduce the cost of posting anything, and use manual methods, that have worked since the postal service was invented. Post costs more because machines don't work. Cheaper before machines were used.

I got a card thru the letterbox once, collect. So goes down the delivery office, £4 parking, picks this tube up, a bloody H&S laminated poster from work(!) Great!

Most other times, I get other peoples mail, or my mail has been opened by the postman already. I rarely get mail unopened, and the mail I do get, is there really a need to not fold it in half, but half again? Maybe my postman is an origami expert?

I complained and got a book of stamps as compensation, but still happens. I called a call centre once and they say, street name and number, and postcode? Which I gave, and they said I'm lying, as the computer said the postcode is wrong. Apparently, I have two different postcodes, and it's the first bit that differs, not the end bit! That puts me in a different town!

I know it's wrong (and probably illegal), to read this wrong mail sent to me, but I needed to, to forward it on to the correct address, of course I could have marked it RTS, but then the mail service would have put it on ebay.