PPE, your thoughts?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Being discussed now in the Houses of Parliament. Deputy PM speaking about the (suggested) debacle at the time. Contracts awarded to companies with little/no previous experience in PPE production. Companies with previous experience not getting through the procurement process. Apparently the UK is paying £700k daily to store PPE to this day, £106k daily going to China.

Of course much of this has been instigated by the 'Baroness' Mone situation. Deputy PM has just been given a warning for mentioning an individual person i.e. Mone. Apparently most of the stuff the company produced that she's allegedly linked to couldn't be used, NHS advised not fit for purpose.

So, 'contracts for the boys' or were the government acting in good faith at a time of national emergency? Or somewhere in the middle?
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Generally speaking humans make purchasing decisions based on personal recommendations. This is no different. Sales people know that its all about getting to the decision making unit (DMU). You can have the best product on the market, but if the DMU don't know you they will always make you jump through hoops at best.

Companies constantly moan that the procurement process isn't fair, because they weren't chosen.

At the time we thought we'd be short of beds - we weren't. We thought we'd need more ventilators, they seemed to kill as many as they saved. We couldn't make enough PPE quick enough and there were global shortages. The thing that really changed the fight was the vaccine. Once that started getting out there we broke the link between infection and death.

The EU took a different negotiation stance. They argued for performance guarantees, delivery obligations, open markets (open in the sense that you had to be German or French) and guess what it cost them months. The UK took some huge risks, wasted a tonne of money, but we good through it quicker than most.

I don't have much faith in politics, but I know politicians would not risk being exposed for doing backhand deals with their mates.

If however, there is evidence of Fraud, contract breaches etc. Then people need to get in the firing line. There probably will be a few.
The debate is still going on. Quite funny watching the deputy speaker reminding mostly Labour speakers not to mention Mone by name. If some of the stuff being alleged is true, much of what went on stinks.
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It would be more accurate to say half of Europe did better than us, half did worse.

Although compared to large, developed, prosperous Western European nations, UK was worse than France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden.

I see no pride in doing better than Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania.
I see no pride in doing better than Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania.

Whichever way you cut it, saying most of Europe had a lower death rate is pretty dumb, agreeing with it even dumber.
And people forget most care homes are private PPE was down to them not the government
So, 'contracts for the boys' or were the government acting in good faith at a time of national emergency? Or somewhere in the middle?

If it was in good faith, they would not have excluded companies with relevant skills and experience.

If it was in good faith they would not have been prioritising people who were buddies of ministers and peers.
Hello, Matt, you remember me. I'm the licensee at the Dog and Duck. Can I have a multimillion pound PPE contract?

Sure thing mate.
Hello? Hello? This is Marks and Spencer. We have clothing manufacturers who usually make pyjamas but can make two million sets of scrubs a week. Can I talk to the Head of Procurement please?

F**k Off.
James Dyson here. We met at that Conservative dinner last Christmas. I don't know the first thing about ventilators, but I expect they're very similar to vacuum cleaners. Shall I make some?

Sure thing mate.

I've got a problem with tax, Boris.

I'll fix it, stand on me, have I ever let anyone down before?
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