President Trump unites the West, Hurrah!

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"In uniting the US’s friends against it, the president has done something unthinkable"

"It is hard to decide which event — a failed “G6 plus one” summit in Canada or a successful one with North Korea — is more incredible. But the former wins. By uniting America’s largest allies against the US, Mr Trump has pulled off something unthinkable. The sheep are abandoning the shepherd. Without America, the G7 would not exist. It is the closest thing the west has to a steering committee."

"What he supposedly wants — and what his America First doctrine implies — is a post-multilateral world. That is a transactional jungle in which the US has size advantage in every negotiation. It is a series of one-plus-ones in which Mr Trump is always bigger than the other. Almost nobody wants such a world, including most of America’s business community."

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The Koreans are laughing at Trump, Trump cancelled the meeting before the Koreans did because he doesn't like to lose face.
The Russians and Chinese are pulling Kim's strings, N.Korea has fought the US to a standstill and withstood decades of sanctions.
The only reason they have survived is because of Chinese support without which they would collapse overnight.
The Koreans are laughing at Trump, Trump cancelled the meeting before the Koreans did because he doesn't like to lose face.
The Russians and Chinese are pulling Kim's strings, N.Korea has fought the US to a standstill and withstood decades of sanctions.
The only reason they have survived is because of Chinese support without which they would collapse overnight.

True, but I dont see Trump has anything to lose. Kim Jong Un might start to see the potential of building relations with other countries, he might see the opportunity of international trade to improve the country as a risk worth taking beyond being a dictator of a very poor country.
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The Koreans are laughing at Trump, Trump cancelled the meeting before the Koreans did because he doesn't like to lose face.
The Russians and Chinese are pulling Kim's strings, N.Korea has fought the US to a standstill and withstood decades of sanctions.
The only reason they have survived is because of Chinese support without which they would collapse overnight.

China are very worried & concerned about a failed / country on there border,that would cause chaos and a massive refugee crisis they have very little choice but to support them ;)
China and Russia are no longer old style Communists ,it could be Kim knows that the old ways are no longer viable and wants to modernise his country along Chinese lines.
China and Russia are no longer old style Communists ,it could be Kim knows that the old ways are no longer viable and wants to modernise his country along Chinese lines.

kims sole aim is to maintain the family firm/dynasty, and his biggest fear is regime change . He is not a fool, he has 2 fears dissent with in his own country , some type of masse up-rising , it becomes increasingly difficult to treat a population like mushrooms , keep em in the dark and feed em on Bull. . s**t ( internet , mobile phones ect ect ) he would be lynched by his own population

Then there is regime change via military action. He has been threatened by Trump , no other US president . administration has done it , or done it publicaly , and Trump will do it . mad man politics some thing Nixon promoted (to an extent) over Vietnam . The Chinese have put pressure on the North because they are bricking it ;)

They and north korea and the region had better pray that some thing comes out of these talks ;)

The biggest danger to world peace is not Korea . Its Iran problem ;) there will be the flash point
Disastrous 2017 harvest equaling more food shortages and nothing to trade for oil would be another reason for these talks.
kims sole aim is to maintain the family firm/dynasty, and his biggest fear is regime change . He is not a fool, he has 2 fears dissent with in his own country , some type of masse up-rising , it becomes increasingly difficult to treat a population like mushrooms , keep em in the dark and feed em on Bull. . s**t ( internet , mobile phones ect ect ) he would be lynched by his own population

Then there is regime change via military action. He has been threatened by Trump , no other US president . administration has done it , or done it publicaly , and Trump will do it . mad man politics some thing Nixon promoted (to an extent) over Vietnam . The Chinese have put pressure on the North because they are bricking it ;)

They and north korea and the region had better pray that some thing comes out of these talks ;)

The biggest danger to world peace is not Korea . Its Iran problem ;) there will be the flash point
The Americans have tried regime change before via military action during the Korean war and ended up with 50,000 dead and a stalemate.
Trump can threaten military action but in what form. Firing a load of missiles alone won't defeat the Korean's.
The Americans have tried regime change before via military action during the Korean war and ended up with 50,000 dead and a stalemate.
Trump can threaten military action but in what form. Firing a load of missiles alone won't defeat the Korean's.

It will result in regime change ? Kims aim is to maintain the family dynasty/ firm.

Regime change has occurred in Libya , Iraq , Ahfganistan. . The aftermath was/is total chaos (still is) . China do not want that on there border .
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