Coronavirus: Trump to halt US funding for World Health Organisation

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
This will get a few of you excited no doubt.

He's right you know though.. what have WHO done to protect us, right now we need them more than ever, anyone care to recite any clear messages from them?

Did WHO really vote against restricting Flights from China?

US President Donald Trump has ordered that his country's payments to the World Health Organisation be halted.

Mr Trump said that the global health body had "failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable" for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

He blamed the group for promoting China's "disinformation" about the virus in the days following the initial outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

The virus - which has infected almost two million people worldwide - could have been contained at its source if the WHO had been better at investigating the initial reports that came from China, Mr Trump said.

But he added that the US will continue to engage with the organisation to pursue what he described as meaningful reforms.

The US is one of the World Health Organisation's biggest financial backers. In February, Mr Trump's administration had called for America's contribution to be slashed from $122.6m (£99.5m) to $57.9m (£47m).
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Classic blame shifting by Trump.
Point the finger at others to divert attention from your own failings.
He didn't take the threat of Cov 19 seriously, he said it would just blow over like the flu.
Classic blame shifting by Trump.
Point the finger at others to divert attention from your own failings.
He didn't take the threat of Cov 19 seriously, he said it would just blow over like the flu.

Of course with the up n coming election. And yes I too laughed at his attempt to focus on the american markets and its 'imminent recovery from covid19'

I dont agree he America should stop funding.

But it raises the questions about WHO and their competence.

Trump and his deflection aside let's take our contempt for Trump away for a moment..did WHO recommend we stop flights from China.

I dont see it here. That's not fake news its fact.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Cov19 was a new virus, maybe the Chinese thought they could contain it without shutting the country down.
The Who could have moved faster to declare a pandemic, however Trump had the benefit of seeing what was happening in other countries but chose to not take the threat seriously until his mates started to end up on ventilators.
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No better way to get a supplier to instantly sharpen its pencils. However, I’ve no view on the effectiveness of the WHO. It appears to be a bit of a academia gravy train. But there are far worse establishments.

I guess for those who object you have to ask what is lost, if the WHO is shrunk.
If Trump and his team put it out then it is more likely not to be true. If it came from anyone else then there could be truth in it.
Good morning the Noseall posted the WHO minutes from that meeting above already. Take a look again. (y) I dont see any such restriction recommended by WHO.?
400million is apparently 15% of their annual contributions that's alot of money in total. That annoying little grumpy faced brat Greta brings a stronger message than what the World Health Organisation is responsible for clue in the World.

As a few have pointed out on here look on flightradar USA are just as bad their live flight routes looked just as busy before their lockdown. Who should insist all flying is absolutely minimised.
Genius move, defunding an organisation helping manage the world's response to Covid-19 in the middle of the biggest pandemic in the last 100 years.

More of this sort of thing! Hospitals aren't properly equipped for Covid-19 PPE, shut them down too while we investigate them!

It is utterly idiotic. There is no way it can help anything, except maybe make Trump feel better.
I just heard on the radio that the WHO were too frightened to 'take on' the Chinese and were bullied into keeping quiet. That makes Trump right but I think he’s been too focused on trade resuming so he's wrong as well. As per the rule, two wrongs don’t make a right.
I just heard on the radio that the WHO were too frightened to 'take on' the Chinese and were bullied into keeping quiet. That makes Trump right but I think he’s been too focused on trade resuming so he's wrong as well. As per the rule, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Even if he were right that the WHO bungled it's response, that doesn't mean the right solution is to suspend funding so they can't do anything more now.
I just heard on the radio that the WHO were too frightened to 'take on' the Chinese and were bullied into keeping quiet. That makes Trump right but I think he’s been too focused on trade resuming so he's wrong as well. As per the rule, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Who said that?
Dunno, I was driving and only caught part of it. Some expert or another on the 8.00 BBC radio 2 news. Probably on iPlayer by now if you want to listen.

Edit: Just listened again on BBC Sounds. Apologies. Not an expert, just BBC North American reporter John Sopel reporting on what the Trump administration claims - that the WHO were 'too frightened' to take on the Chinese. In mu defence, I did say I only caught the tail end of it while driving!
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Maybe I’m seeing it different to nosey but it looks to me that Festive is in support of her?

I agree . He says she has more clout than the WHO.... No doubt Nosey will be chucking a few " Lyers" about.
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