Putin is Insane

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And he may be planning on imposing martial law on 4th . so yeah sounds pretty insane.
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Listening to a woman t'other day who has written several books about Russian politics - and particularly Putin - she said that he is known to use steriods to try and maintain what he perceives to be a youthful and virile look. As most people will know, one of the problems with steriods is that any beneficial effects eventually level off and in order to maintain the same level you have to take more and more of the stuff. It's a theory but she also said if you compare video of him 18 months ago to now he is apparently displaying the signs of steroid abuse, two of which are paranoia and aggression.
Listening to a woman t'other day who has written several books about Russian politics - and particularly Putin - she said that he is known to use steriods to try and maintain what he perceives to be a youthful and virile look. As most people will know, one of the problems with steriods is that any beneficial effects eventually level off and in order to maintain the same level you have to take more and more of the stuff. It's a theory but she also said if you compare video of him 18 months ago to now he is apparently displaying the signs of steroid abuse, two of which are paranoia and aggression.
That may have been on the newsnight program I saw 2 nights ago
There was a top brit strategist type on Radio4 near the start of this saying, in effect:

It's understandable and fine to resist but you have to look at the overall effect.
If you think that the other side is going to win because of numbers, then shooting at them is likely to delay things, but increases the casualties on your own side - without affecting the final outcome.

This is Pootin's message of course. Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in it.
Yes, that is the problem. I just said this (in other words) to a friend on FB (she lived in Ukraine for a while, and has many friends there). The only sensible option is to sit by and watch Russia take over Ukraine. Anything else will risk far more destruction. We did this in 2014 when he invaded Crimea.

By stopping all trade with Russia we can make this decision not pay for him, only cost. He will have lost some military, and need to decide what to do with the cities he destroyed.

Beyond sanctions, nothing else is going to work. He doesn't care about Ukrainian lives, he just wants to control the land and resources. Just look at Aleppo - it is the Russians that bombed it for Assad.
They need UAVs with strike capability. Hard to shoot down and great at picking off armoured units.
They need UAVs with strike capability. Hard to shoot down and great at picking off armoured units.

UAVs can be controlled from anywhere in the world. A fleet of UAVs in Ukranian colours could devastate Russian ground forces and who would know who was 'flying' them ;)
Russians are complaining that the use of UAVs in that way is against the terms of the Minsk ageement, which shows shame on the Ukr government. Shock horror.

(Small detail not mentioned, Russia didn't sign up to the Minsk agreement...)/.

The ones I've read about being used are Turkish, with in some cases engines made by Ukraine. There were rules and regs about exactly how they'd work so various countries held off making them until things were sorted. Turkey went ahead anyway ;)
The numbers are small though, like "12" o_O

If I were Bosnia, Moldova, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, etc etc I'd be stocking up or making my own.
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