Q..(rhymes with beer removed for snowflake faux offended) Starmer the charmer does a 180

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
So 3 years ago he wanted a referendum for remain and now.. Starmer won't take the UK back into the single market restore freedom of movement or rejoin the customs Union with the eu.

Instead.. he's going to "unblock the all of the bits of the tory deal that are holding us back.. "
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I see Festive hasn’t realised Starmer campaigned for a referendum BEFORE we left.
I see Notch is getting confused. I think you'll find he campaigned for a 2nd referendum after we left.
Thankyou gone indeed its not hard to work out here. The point being they have completely changed tack. The looney left party are beyond fcked up. Talk about multiple face palms of stupidity.

So what are pro labour buffoons doing next. Agreeing that Boris got it right, in fact didn't do enough Brexit and is going to more of the same omfg.
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The point being they have completely changed tack. The looney left party are beyond fcked up. Talk about multiple face palms of stupidity.

Yes, completely bonkers, dishonest and shameful someone changing their principles and beliefs for political expediency. Now perhaps you can remind us of your hero Johnson's stance on EU membership just before he became Tory party leader?
The title is just embarrassing, are you eight years old?
The title is just embarrassing, are you eight years old?
I may have consulted my peers in the construction of this topic, however i have reviewed and upheld my opinion of such and concluded you need to lighten up a bit, sounding a bit uptight today aren't we.

Yes, completely bonkers, dishonest and shameful someone changing their principles and beliefs for political expediency. Now perhaps you can remind us of your hero Johnson's stance on EU membership just before he became Tory party leader?
You may have me confused with someone else. He too is just as bad In fact all of them are rotten to the core.
So what are pro labour buffoons doing next. Agreeing that Boris got it right, in fact didn't do enough Brexit and is going to more of the same omfg.
They are doing what they think they need to do to get into power. Once in, it's ok then to briskly change your mind and do the opposite or what ever floats your boat. Boris has made this type of despicable politics ok in Britain. So yes - Boris is responsible for the extremely low standards of politics in the UK presently.

Brexit always has been and always will be a pile of poo.
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