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Magnetic North pole moves compared to the true North pole, so the answer may change over the years.
Svalbard again. I'm not a cruise person, but one to up there could be good. Mountains, snow, northern lights...

Yes that's why I said "currently", though it doesn't affect my answer.

PS you didn't take the hint.
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it's like this:

So I was being perverse, it sort of depends what you mean...
You have to ask which one for another reason:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/North_Magnetic_Poles.svg .

The Earth north magnetic pole is , you could say, in the iron of the earth's core..., it's certainly not on the surface othe sea, or the bottom of the sea....

Fast Fact
H0H 0H0
That's the Canadian postal code for the North Pole, a reference to the area's most famous resident, Santa Claus.

I thought it was Q.I.
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Yep, that'll do.
The magnetic pole down there is north of the Antarctic circle, Auzzie side rather than S. America.
There is a small settlement called Southport.
I thought it would have been Ushuaia at the tip of Argentina but that's 6500km versus about 2500 for Hobart. You can go to Antarctica from either, less far to the land from Ushaia to the Palmer land Peninsula.
Interesting map: N, S : black track is the movement of the magnetic pole, red is the pretty useless point where the pole would have come up if the earth were a dipole magnet running through the centre. It's not, though!



The SMP is marked, it WAS by where it says France:
One of biggest regrets. I looked at a possibility to live there. It's a wonderful small city. I wish I gave it a chance.

Let me think of a question
I'm sticking with Australia

In the Animal / Creature kingdom what 3 animals kill the most Humans within Australia.
A man who owned a kangaroo was recently killed by it, only the second time that's happened in the last 100 years - so one of them has to be a spider, surely a snake is one and i'll say a Great White Shark must be in there somewhere.
I've no idea why anyone would move there. It seems to be full of creatures determined to kill you.
A man who owned a kangaroo was recently killed by it, only the second time that's happened in the last 100 years - so one of them has to be a spider, surely a snake is one and i'll say a Great White Shark must be in there somewhere.
I've no idea why anyone would move there. It seems to be full of creatures determined to kill you.

It's wonderful if not a bit soulless.

None of them.
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