I am hoping somebody can give some advice about the potential consequences of artexing over artex. I recently had a leak from a shower which resulted in staining to a ceiling below, this was referred to a loss adjuster who stated the ceiling should be scraped, skimmed and re-artexed. The contractor doing the job scraped back the high points, skimmed the bits that had been damaged and artexed over the existing artex (the staining was about 6" by 3" in a corner of the ceiling 4M2). There has been some small areas of crazing which is of some concern. In addition to this when re-tiling the shower the ceiling was damaged which was also artexed. The artex ceiling in this room was also painted to repair the damage and in the area above the shower the artex has failed. I had a different decorator come back who sealed part of the ceiling before repairing the damage, who asked if the ceilings had been sealed before painting. The sealant he used had a distinctive smell so I am certain they had not been sealed. My concern is-How long will it take for any failure in the artex to show? I can theen tale this matter up with the loss adjusters. Many thanks for any advice.