Russian Meddling

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This is your false claim. Let's see you try to substantiate it.

So called 'antifa' who oppose Trump and believe Russian meddling did infact happen, also think communism and/or marxism can work.
Trump has not bombed any one yet ;) Although that may change

" The spectre of war between Israel & Iran looms large " "Iran has invested a massive amount in Syria . It is un-likely just to pack up & leave"
yes he has...
please explain your ignorance and the false statements you make.

"Take America’s counterterrorism campaigns. Trump followed through on his promise to “bomb the ****” out of ISIS, dropping around 9,000 more bombs in 2017 than President Obama did in 2016. He increased America’s support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen while more than doubling troop levels in Somalia."

does not count . Please explain your ignorance .

On 2nd thoughts don't bother as we will end up with a war and peace long post :LOL::LOL:
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yes he has...

the Term "any one " may be the key . any one who is any one . Isis ?? every one has bombed them ? who are they ? where are they ??

Support for Saudi Arabia meaning he has flogged them arms along with every other arms producer including the UK .
the Term "any one " may be the key . any one who is any one . Isis ?? every one has bombed them ? who are they ? where are they ??

Support for Saudi Arabia meaning he has flogged them arms along with every other arms producer including the UK .
what are you waffling on about? you said trump hadnt bombed anyone, of course he has, anyone means means...... erm, well anyone (scratches head)
what are you waffling on about? you said trump hadnt bombed anyone, of course he has, anyone means means...... erm, well anyone (scratches head)

well put it this way . I dare say there is a vast difference in bombing say North Korea ? or having a full military confrontation with Iran in support of Israel

then bombing some terrorist mob in a failed state along with several other countries UK . France , Jordan ect

Or ringing up the Russians & telling them they are going to drop some bombs in such & such a place so best advised you move any one out , a sort of pre-bombing negotiation over the chemical attack by Assad.

But in order to placate any one else . Yes he has bombed Isis and sold weapons to the Saudi's.

I will edit my post so as to reflect my ignorance

I have edited my previous post by adding ;) a statement to my previous post.
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If America does get into a full scale war with Iran in order to protect Israel's interests will the average American be happy with sending their kids to fight a war on behalf of a country which doesn't want to send its own kids to fight and die.
Your statement is nonsense. You have not interviewed antifascists and your suggestion that they are all promarxists or communists is fantasy.

Many people who oppose Trump and are revolted at the Russian interference are not active antifascists. That's just your silly allegation.
What is your definition of Russian meddling, do anti Clinton comments on Facebook and Twitter qualify.
If America does get into a full scale war with Iran in order to protect Israel's interests will the average American be happy with sending their kids to fight a war on behalf of a country which doesn't want to send its own kids to fight and die.
Politicians and cannon fodder...

It's been happening for centuries...

And as 'bright' as the average american thinks they are (or any other average national for that matter), they still get bamboozled into allowing the sacrifices by the words of cynical politicans and their puppet masters!
Yes, it is.

I've still not seen any. I keep hearing intelligence agencies saying they're confident there is but no mention of what it is.

Then there's the wikileaks argument; I don't think Clinton looking bad is the same as suggesting Trump/Russia collusion. As we all hear so often, Clinton won the popular vote.

The top comment on that YT video frames it well for me:

Russia can't even influence Ukrainian elections. how where they able to do it to the US
Sammi, you appear to be confusing Russian meddling/interferance with collusion or that it had any effect.
There is no doubt that the Ruskies attempted to influence the US elections.
I said the US authorities announced publically that they had evidence Russian interference into the US elections. Unequivocal. It's no secret and the info has been shared with all the US security agencies, Congress, the Senate and news outlets.

I never mentioned Trump collusion or whether it had any effect but many US commentators believe deliberate harm was done to Hilary Clinton's campaign at a deliberately timed moment.
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