I recently installed a Salus iT500 thermostat coupled with a RX500 boiler receiver & the unit works fine except every time my BT internet hub 5 resets, the Salus remote control web page/app reports my device as off-line. The RX500 boiler control unit & RF gateway plugged into the hub both still show green lights which (according to the manual) is supposed to indicate it's on line to the Salus server. I can still control both heating & hot water locally via the iT 500 thermostat but I cannot get the device to register back on line again unless I disconnect/reconnect the Salus gateway to my router or power it down/up again, effectively rebooting it!
This means if my internet hub resets while I'm away from home (as it almost certainly sometimes will), I will be unable to remotely control my heating system which was the whole purpose of buying the Salus iT unit in the first place! Surely this isn’t right, any ideas/advice from you Heating Engineers?
This means if my internet hub resets while I'm away from home (as it almost certainly sometimes will), I will be unable to remotely control my heating system which was the whole purpose of buying the Salus iT unit in the first place! Surely this isn’t right, any ideas/advice from you Heating Engineers?