Scottish bank manager gets more jail than a peadophile ?

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hmmm, ten years for £21 million? I'd expect a long sentence for such a lot of money and a "betrayal of trust." It's hardly shoplifting a packet of fags. I dare say he'll be out in half that, and isn't going to a high-security prison.

What do child-molesters usually get?
ah but you dont get the full story

this guy didnt pocket the cash he lent it out to using the wrong criteria ie to punters that couldnt or wouldnt pay

seems he is merely guilty of gross misconduct not fraud or theft
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"Fraud squad detectives were called in and he admitted creating false loan accounts in names similar to those of genuine bank customers.

The advocate depute said: "What initially appeared to the bank to be a small number of anomalies did not just snowball but avalanched into a large complex scheme."

Mr Prentice said the bank had taken steps to recover money, but estimates its current losses from Mackenzie's activities at £10m.

Mackenzie, a first offender, of Belgrave Gardens in Edinburgh, was sacked in 2004. "
The United States suffered a tremendous loss when a lot of its small local banks ("Savings and Loans") were deregulated, and organised crime went round the country fixing fraudulent loans on fake projects and running off with the money, looting the local banks and bringing many of them to bankruptcy.

Extracting milions from a bank with the help of a crooked loans officer can be easier than by raiding them with guns.
Slogger said:
ah but you dont get the full story

this guy didnt pocket the cash he lent it out to using the wrong criteria ie to punters that couldnt or wouldnt pay

seems he is merely guilty of gross misconduct not fraud or theft

If someone took your van and all your tools and then lent it to his mate, would that person be guilty of theft or just misconduct?
we hear you glassman

but some would let the paedophiles have there human rights most on here would say they lost any rights when they commited there crimes

wouldnt you MOST
Slogger said:
we hear you glassman
Yeah - we hear him quoting a story which does not even say that paedophiles have ever been at the hostel, let alone are there now, but does quote the nursery as saying they've never had any problems and are not concerned for the safety of the children.
JohnD said:
So what makes you say that convicted paedophiles are usually given accomodation next to a school?
a) Ignorance
b) Stupidity
c) A desire to invent an argument
d) All of the above
markie said:
I've read in the papers today they are thinking of scraping this human rights act, quicker the better i say.
Well - that view comes as no surprise, does it?

You'll be promoted to Scharführer soon, if you keep this up.
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