sideways looking cameras

5 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi chaps, there seem to be loads of reversing cameras out there but what I want is a camera stuck on the front looking sideways (well preferably two, one looking right and t'other looking left) sending the video to a monitor or iphone. Then I can stick the nose six inches out of the gateway and see if any traffic is approaching. Lots of folks use mirrors opposite their driveway, either those convex ones specifically intended for this use, or just ordinary mirrors, but I can't cos there's nowhere opposite to put one. I don't need HD, don't need more than a few frames per second, don't need night vision. You would think considering the tat that's out there someone would make a product for this? Any ideas please chaps? TIA, Terry.
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Well it may as well be me that asks but what about a pair of reversing cameras, each suspended beneath the bumper or thereabouts? There are so many different designs around surely something would fit the bill? I would have thought a permanent feed would be essential too to ensure they work straight away from ignition avoiding any hassles with wifi mumbo jumbo.
reversing cameras are set to display a mirror image, so may not be the best choice for a camera on the front.
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Our Nissan uses a 360 camera system but I’ve never tried it in the way you suggest.
They are available to buy but I can’t really recommend one sorry.
Freddie, John, Belle, thanks for you replies. Yes Freddie that link you supply - that sort of thing. Need a monitor too of course. I'd probably need some switchable power source, so I guess I could use the front fog lamps, since I don't ever use them otherwise. Not sure about getting from the front bumper into the cabin, this is separated by a firewall of course. to run wire to the monitor.
I would get on Google and search for wiring up car stereos for your particular car, the specialist forums will have some guidance as to where it's best to get through the bulkhead. You normally don't need to join up to read them.
The Camera that Freddie provided a link to has the option to connect it wirelessly.
So you power the camera and the wireless sender using the fog-light power and have the wireless receiver in the car behind your monitor.
Freddie, SFK, Cars, thanks for your tips, I'll look into those things.
I must admit that having googled for mirrors, I'm leaning towards the low-tech solution. I mentioned that there's nowhere opposite the gate to put a mirror; that should be "there's nowhere opposite the gate to easily put a mirror". But easily doesn't equal impossible, at least not to a diynotter :), so maybe I can get something rigged up over there. It's a steep brambly bank and the council occasionally mow it back with a tractor, but maybe if I paint the pole yellow and black the tractor driver will miss it (?!) Now and then I'd have to go over and trim the vegetation in the mirror's line of sight. Two convex mirrors, one looking each way, £17 each or thereabouts total £34 plus a bit of scrambling about. And not too dear if the tractor's cutting implement sweeps it all away! Still thinking.
Personally I wouldn't faff around with Wi-Fi, a wire going to a screen is instant and more reliable with two cameras I guess a small screen for each.
Do you not require some sort of permission to erect something on the land opposite your gateway?
You would undoubtedly require formal permission from highways, I daresay highways would also charge handsomely for the privilege too and would likely need to undertake some kind of road/visibilty study so I would just do it and use some common sense with respect to its position and consider how other approaching road users see it and it's reflections of your lights as you attempt to pull out. There are thousands dotted around the countryside, I can't see that many will have official permission.
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