21 Feb 2010
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Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom
i have been working doing a renovation upstairs:

( 1907 built cottage )

ripping up the floorboards ( seem to be covered in a black gunky dust )
since starting about a week or so ago i have had a huge rash (dry itchy .. very very red flakey rough skin )
all up my arms, it burns when put underwater and is sore and stings all the time.

as it has been constant since last week im getting concerned now and thought id ask if any one knew what this is?
gonna book an appointment with the docs.

cheers guys
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I'm no doctor, but it could possibly be scabies, these are little mites that burrow under the skin,
The usual treatment is Benzyl Benzoate.
Please let us know what the doctor diagnoses.

Hope you wore a dust mask. It's probably just an allergy but may be caused by the woodworm treatment.
:eek: scabies!?!?

brilliant, dont mean to be rude but now overnight my nads have become a permanent itch, unstoppable, think a dog with fleas is an appropriate comparison

unfortunatley for me.. i havent got a doctor here, new area, new house.
so looks like the A&E for the usual 14day wait in every a&e ( i f***n hate waiting like that, especially if im gonna be itchin like i have fleas, plus in that area, ill look like a dirty lil man )

at 9am the docs open, so im gonna call and see if they can see me just to have a look and register myself there at the same time ( pray!! )
of course this is all eating into time i could be cracking on!

i did joinery/carpentry from 13yrs old through to college etc, never even seen anything like this, and have ripped up many many floors, so it took me by suprise.

no, i didnt wear a mask, i know i should be.
i even asked my fiancee if she remembered were i had put it after wire brushing the drives gate, but you know how it always is!
( never mind only a small two min task ill be fine... )

all i can hope is it IS an alergy to something and not scabies, as i have a 4 month old and as the net says, everyone in the house would have to be treated aswell.

will let you know what it was as soon as i find out!

thanks guys
( wish me luck :( )

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Like I say Leon, I am no doctor, but ripping up floorboards you could have released all sorts of mites.
emphasize the urgency when you ring the doctors, i'm sure in the circumstances they will fit you in.
Best of luck.

If you don't want to wait at A&E (behind all the people who should really have gone to their GP) then ring NHS direct 0845 4647 and explain to them you haven't a GP there yet.
It is a rash or just redness as you've been scratching the area?
It could be a whole host of things if it's under the floor, but for now keep away from washing in soap products, stop stratching the skin, your GP will advise antihistamines to prevent the itchyness and may suggest varrious creams.
Sounds like either an alergic reaction which will need testing for or you've been biten by a nasty.
DR Prentice (DO) ;)
definatly go for nhs direct they will go through there computer prompts for the symptoms you give and iff the symptoms dont lead to a conclusion they get a doctor or nurse practitioner to phone you back if one is not avalable when you phone

You could try a walk in centre if you don't like the queues at A&E, their springing up all over the place right now and most places should have them probably somewhere near your hospital
Just called the NHS direct wales and gave them the symptoms etc etc. Nurse is going to call back asap

ill be pretty bummed if this is an alergy, as its going to slow, even stop any progress with the rooms, and to be honest im already a week behind my plans( due to ex landlord not paying bond back and accusing me of all sorts )

she said its more than likely an alergy to something i have been in contact with ( probably a treatment on the old flooring )

so i gotta nip to the local chemist ( as i dont have a gp here )
they should be able to either give something over the counter or reffer me to a gp or hospital.

hopefully its just a cream/lotion matter and will clear up.
im gonna wear gloves for as much of the project as possible.
obviously gloves and tools dont usually go well together so ill try get all the ripping out work done before having to use any saws or anything.

i would love to know what exactly it is, as i only know that im allergic to penecillin ( typo? ) typical to get a reaction to something i need to be in contact with to complete a job lasting a few days/weeks.

grr, well off the chemist i go.have to wake the OH first! :eek:
Good luck with it Leon. Hope it clears up mate. Keep us posted won't ya?
as you're allegric to penicylin, it might be a mould issue in the boards or something..
ill post a pic or two now..

the rash is calm at the moment and i can barely feel it so if it gets redder and hot / itchy in the night, like usual. ill take more too.

gives you a better idea then eh...
no i had bloody social workers show up.
asking why i hadnt registered my daughter in a gp..
well, if you want to check your records, you will find that in fact she IS.
so whilst you may have nothing better than to waste 2 hours of my time when i have said over and over im about to leave to go doctors ( how ironic )
and then to pick up my door frame.

so no i havent.. and i probably wont lol well i hope i can.

gotta go collect my brother from the local nick, been banged up for messing around with mates. bloody kids!

only good thing is hes a master when it comes to diy. hes like a guru.
how i dont know.

so he can gimie a hand tonight :D

everytime i make a plan, something comes up.

so.. hopefully ill be able to get something for my rash and still carry on working tonight
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