sound odd?

16 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
Do you like /need even numbers or odd numbers as you are going through life ? i feel happier with odd numbers. :oops:
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not sure i have a big prefrence... it knda depends on the questoin:

How many heads? odd... (1 or 3 is fine)
how many wheels on your car? even....(9 would be weerd)
how many wifes? odd (and limetd to one !! max)

Whats the questoin again?
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I never have the volume control on the TV or car radio on an odd number....always has to be idea why :confused:
How often have you patiently sat there waiting for something/someone and you have started counting 'things' around you? (Flag stones, tiles on a wall, bricks in a wall etc) After counting you find you are then doing mathematical calculations to reduce that number to the smallest possible. e.g. 274 tiles on a wall, divide by 2 equals 137, 1+3+7=11, 1+1=2, 2 divided by 2 = 1
Must be a name for doing something like that. :LOL:

Sombrero, congratulations on the English lessons.
Your spelling has improved immensely. :LOL: :LOL:
I like to muck-in when the scaffolders are stripping a job, but carrying the pudlocks back to the lorry seemed a painful job. The tubes seemed to clatter about yer ear holes!

"Always carry an odd number, the tubes will sit on yer shoulder better" came the call.... :confused:

Think of the olympic circles, but the other way up..... :idea:
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