Storm brewing over Europe.

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Natural progression. We might be allowed to be European for a few years but then that'll be taken away by the Muslims running each European country. Far fetched? .......... maybe. Impossible? ............. definitely not!

Why can't this country be more like Australia. Can't see them kow towing to the Muslims anytime soon 'cos their leaders have what ours sadly lack ................ the b*lls to defend their right to preserve their way of life and national identity from those who seek to destroy it.
There are far more Muslims per capita in Oz than here.
Maybe there are but I bet they don't dictate to the government and the people what they can and can't do!
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Of course they do. Oz is just like here.
Well I don't recall the UK ever refusing to let a boat load of refugees land on our shores like the Aussies did :rolleyes:
Along way from Europe i know but my brother came over from Aus for a holiday back in the summer and he was saying although the headlines might show that boat loads are turned back they in fact get put on a island just off the coast,can't remember the name, but they are kept there at the expense of the Aus government/taxpayers whilst being vetted.
I don't think they do that any more. They take them to the mainland after some clown started throwing their own kids into the shark infested sea.
It's beginning to look like the only way to escape islamisation is to get on a rocket. Mars is starting to sound attractive.

No liberals allowed on the rocket.
OK, my two pence....

...this will always happen in any country where welfare is too freely available. This is because the poorer cultures generally breed a lot quicker than the more affluent.

It wouldn't have happened 200 years a go because if you bred and couldn't feed your kids, they adays...well, you get given a 6 bedroom house and more money than most workers get.

This goes for any culture that breeds a lot.

We fought back many cultures over the years as their overbreeding was capped by we are paying for all that it isn't a cap any more.

SO we'll see more uneducated people, more ******, more catholics, more muslims...just the way it is,...

..and when the welfare system collapses...THEN we will be put back 100 years.
Tenders from suitably qualified contractors are required to send in estimates for the construction of concentration camps, gas chambers and crematoria, plus all ancillary equipment.
when you guys say england do you mean new-poland? im sure 'england' is what is used to be called, the place next to wales and scotland.
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