Suggested Health Warning for this Forum

22 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
If you behave like an out-and-out **** on arrival in this corner of the forum you’ll get shot at with the full force of other's snarktillery.

There’s no pre-requisite for equality to be nice and nice is overrated anyway. That said, this isn’t a safe space and isn't run as an echo chamber.
There's no point in preaching to the converted, there's plenty of opportunity for that elsewhere.

You can expect discussion. Tricky. Messy. Discussion.
Paraphrased from an anonymous source

And a noticable absence of discussion also, see above.

Neither progressives nor conservatives are very good at climbing down from their respective ledges of their ideologies.

They might get pushed off their ideological ledges.
Paraphrased from an anonymous source
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If you behave like an out-and-out **** on arrival in this corner of the forum you’ll get shot at with the full force of other's snarktillery.

There’s no pre-requisite for equality to be nice and nice is overrated anyway. That said, this isn’t a safe space and isn't run as an echo chamber.
There's no point in preaching to the converted, there's plenty of opportunity for that elsewhere.

You can expect discussion. Tricky. Messy. Discussion. And a noticable absence of discussion also, see above.

Neither progressives nor conservatives are very good at climbing down from their respective ledges of their ideologies.

They might get pushed off their ideological ledges.

Plagiarism at it's best by Roy

Please try to be even slightly original.
Plagiarism at it's best by Roy
There's no name to attribute it to.
If you know who wrote it, perhaps you'd like to tell us?

And I've used it in a completely different context.

Like if I said My, My, My Delilah, no-one would expect me to pay royalties.
But if I sung it, royalties may be due.

Plus it was a bit of fun, it wasn't some highlty charged political argument, or a genune resolution to a problem.
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You presented it as your own work, shame on you.
Do tell me the name of the original author and I'll attribute the passage to him/her.
Or perhaps I could add:
"by some unknown other"? :rolleyes:
Is the emoji to signify your disappointment at being found out?
No, it's for you and trazor criticising me for not attributing some words to some unknown person. :rolleyes:
By the way, the emoji is courtesy of Admin, but I don't suppose for one minute they are the creators of it. :rolleyes:
Do tell me the name of the original author and I'll attribute the passage to him/her.
Or perhaps I could add:
"by some unknown other"? :rolleyes:

Obviously you have no shame, you stole another's work, and presented it as your own.
The fact it wasn't attributed is irrelevant.

Your contorted plagiarised version was so poor, it prompted me to look for the original.
Obviously you have no shame, you stole another's work, and presented it as your own.
The fact it wasn't attributed is irrelevant.

Your contorted plagiarised version was so poor, it prompted me to look for the original.
How is it possible to attribute something to someone else when that someone else is unknown? :rolleyes:

if I sang greensleeves, or ba ba Black sheep, or Allouette, or Do Your ears hang low, while busking, to whom should I pay the royalties? :rolleyes:

But you admit it was changed from the original? :rolleyes:
Nothing funnier than Roy Bloom, a squirming fraudster, coming up with pathetic analogies.

By the way, I haven't noticed you apologising for your deceit, as any decent person would.
His opening paragraphs funny, it's as if its a warning too himself.
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