Supermarket Rot In your Area

No why should i give my my to paracites business men who have so much wealth....

I support my local farmers who give me discount as i put money back into the local areas. It's all about networking, word soon gets around.

You've got to turn your backs on the supermarket=superprofits for them. Supermarkets = money erosion in your areas.

Oh look more unemployment coming as yes greed for money tesco doing kitchen fitting now. It's the working class against the weathly snobs. The wealthy upper class bringing recession to every part of this country. All local money taken back to supermarket hq for london owners and foreign investors.. All have a very nice lifestyle.
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Lovely everything under one roof, easy parking, all your shopping done in one go.
Proteus, I would not lose to much sleep over Tesco kitchens if it's true, they will probably be on a par with B&Q krapchins, so as long as you're fitting decent gear i don't think you'll lose any custom to them.
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Do people actually shop in tescoes?
Sadly I do almost all my shopping in Tescos.
- I work 8.30 till 5 or so Mon-Friday and am then usally away over the weekend. Smallish town with only one supermarket, local butchers/etc dont have late opening, so other than the local Spar its the only shop I can really get to.


Im in the same boat. Id like to spend half a day going to the local little shops and co-operatives with the local bread and stuff but just dont get the time. Tesco once a week in and out in 40 minutes. Plus all the gluten free stuff for the mrs which little shops dont cater for.

But the amount of sh**e they have in the foods is terrible if you look at the ingredients, now we see that the ingredients is b*ll*cks too. Im glad I knocked supermarket beef on the head a while ago and recently knocked chicken on the head. A Greek mate even told me that their army serves them a lot of cheap meat in the canteen that their soldiers even grow manboobs.

Just get the odd rabbit or boar meat that you can get hold of occassionally from the local hunters now.