The lunatics have taken

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Over the asylum in Pakistan

The govetnment have had to call a halt to the polio immunisation programme

Several health workers have been duffed up one murdered and a health clinic destroyed by a mob

Apparently this polio immunisation programme is a conspiracy by the west to Steralise Pakistani children

And this country has nuclear bombs :eek:
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I thought WTF when I read the reports and that's what you get with low information people and the spread of fake news that the Polio Vaccine was causing child deaths. Throw in how the US captured Bin Laden by taking blood samples of kids during a Public vaccinations programme and there is zero trust of the authorites. I suppose the US didn't give a damn about the fall out as long as they killed Bin Laden.

This is soemthing I believe has been going on for a while and why so many in the health profession said when you break the trust with the medic and the patient you will get pushback.
The world will eventually became one big Pakistan.
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The world will eventually became one big Pakistan.

If you believe that it shows how stupid your argument is, if you say western civilisation is great then how can it succumb to an inferior civilization.

Logic and reasoning go out of the window for true believers.
If you believe that it shows how stupid your argument is, if you say western civilisation is great then how can it succumb to an inferior civilization.

Logic and reasoning go out of the window for true believers.
All great Civilisations collapse eventually, usually the cause of the decline is due to the mass immigration of subject peoples towards the centre of the empire.
Bread and Circuses in ancient Rome was the equivalent of free council houses and housing benefit to all immigrants in the UK.
Beware of the ides of May.
I thought WTF when I read the reports and that's what you get with low information people and the spread of fake news that the Polio Vaccine was causing child deaths. Throw in how the US captured Bin Laden by taking blood samples of kids during a Public vaccinations programme and there is zero trust of the authorites. I suppose the US didn't give a damn about the

fall out as long as they killed Bin Laden.

This is soemthing I believe has been going on for a while and why so many in the health profession said when you break the trust with the medic and the patient you will get pushback.

So it's the Americans fault then :LOL:
Western culture is strong and growing for the simple reason it's willing to change and adapt and that to me is its greatest strength. Idiots who think that there are exogenous forces at play are simply trumpeting the playbook of the far right.

I do have some issues but that is with the form of capitalism and inequality which is not exclusive to western culture. If you want to define western culture as some narrow christian centric view then I suppose you should follow the message of Jesus Christ. I wonder what his response would be to helping people less fortunate than yourselves.
:rolleyes: selective quoting as per usual :LOL:

Johnd hates the unionist community in NI

And likes to spread his hate ;)
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