The Port of Dover is pleased to announce...

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
- Port of Dover (


A month on since the end of the Brexit transition period, the Port of Dover is pleased to already be welcoming over 90% of the freight traffic volumes typical of this time of year following the significant stockpiling experienced before Christmas.

This demonstrates that the Short Straits continues to provide the most resilient and preferred route to and from Europe.

After years of preparation with partner organisations in the UK and in France to ensure trade continues to flow smoothly, border systems are operating efficiently and customers are quickly getting on their way.

Sarah West, Chief Operations Officer at the Port of Dover said:

“I’m really encouraged to see such a positive start to the New Year as we adapt to the new systems and processes involved in a new, post-Brexit transition era.

Our operation has proved its resilience and flexibility in the past by successfully adjusting to many major changes in our external landscape and I have great confidence that it will continue to do the same.

The message to hauliers is that as long as you come to Kent border ready and with a negative COVID test, then it won’t be long before you are on your way to France on the shortest ferry crossing.

My thanks go to our team here at the Port, our partners and customers for ensuring that together, we are prepared.”


Notes to Editors

The Port of Dover handles up to £122bn or 17% of the UK’s trade in goods. Its unique geographical position enables Dover to facilitate up to 120 ferry movements a day, handling up to 110 miles of lorries per day between them – more than all other UK ports combined.

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Fillyboy already knows 70% of the trucks returning to EU are empty

Oh and haulage prices have gone up 40%
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This must be fake news, 'cos everyone I know is using the other route . . . .
Straight from the horses mouth Notchy.
It's all goods coming to UK....which guess what: they aren't being customs

But those trucks are going back empty
UK businesses aren't exporting.

Guess what Brexit has meant we now buying much more from the EU than we are selling to them.

Fillyboy is proudly showing off how much the UKmis buying off the EU :ROFLMAO:
its completely pointless measuring anything now
you have to wait till after the transition then add a further year or two to even know if overall things are going in any direction and thats still the short term
another 5 years you can say things are starting to pan out so around 2025-27
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its completely pointless measuring anything now
you have to wait till after the tranission then add a further year or two to even know iff overall things are going in any direction and thats still the short term
another 5 years you can say things are starting to pan out so around 2025-27

Yes indeed, it will take a long time, more so because of Covid.
It doesn't say 'traffic', it says 'freight traffic'.

noun [ U ]
UK /freɪt/ US /freɪt/
goods, but not passengers, that are carried from one place to another, by ship, aircraft, train, or truck, or the system of transporting these goods:

You are desperate.

Go and look up the dictionary explanation of "empty truck"

You can call it
Freight traffic

It's all going back empty.......exporting air is certainly showing how we are "prospering mightily" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You are desperate.

Go and look up the dictionary explanation of "empty truck"

You can call it
Freight traffic

It's all going back empty.......exporting air is certainly showing how we are "prospering mightily" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Perhaps the Port of Dover are liars, personally, I think they might have more of a handle on the situation than you or the other LWW keyboard warriors.
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