The Prorogation of Parliament

Prorogation of Parliament

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Johnson is too scared to allow parliament to debate no deal.
Which means he wants to force it through without a democratic process.

No deal was voted down by a big majority earlier in the year.
The sensible course would be to let the Tories have their no deal , if it causes as big a disaster as some remainers claim then the Tories would be kicked out of office for a generation.
Even Corby could look electable, although the situation would have to be pretty catastrophic for that to happen.
If Boris can't get his no deal an election will have to be held at some point, frustrated leavers could give Boris a thumping majority and under the rules the Tories could be in power for years.
So we could end up with a no deal brexit and a Tory party of extreme right wingers who can't be got rid of.
Be careful what you wish for.
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Leave was indeed voted for. But the vote was advisory, not mandatory.

There has been a hell of a lot of lying and scare-mongering around the EU and referendum.

And indeed before then about the EU.

This has succeeded in turning people against these nasty, faceless EU bureaucrats who have introduced stupid laws like you can't grow curvy cucumbers or bananas, the banning of teasmades because they could injure people. They have also changed the definition of an island and are set to introduce black boxes into cars.
(All false, by the way).

And there are certain people in this country who want to turn people against the EU by any means possible, including lying and disinformation (remember Boris' kipper?) because there is one particular directive that they don't want this country to be forced to abide by.

There are many injustices in our society. One of the biggest concerns taxes. The whole point of taxes is that everybody (above a certain level of earning) should pay a tax on those earnings. The hoi polloi in this country generally pay their dues. The wealthy minority and massive corporations generally go to great, convoluted lengths to pay as little as possible.

And they want it to stay that way. They do not want to be subject to the Anti Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD), which was adopted by EU Council three days before the EU Membership Referendum.

And BJ is hell-bent on getting Brexit by any means possible (lying to the Queen, threatening MP's etc...) so that this can happen.

The Brexit deal May hammered out had ATAD in it, which is why it was rejected.
If we stay in the EU we will still be able to get horsemeat Lasagne in Tescos, every cloud has a silver lining.
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If remainers succeed in getting a second referendum on any deal agreed or remaining in the EU, will that just be advisory as well.
Just asking.
Unless the referendum act is changed, then it would be advisory.

I've said before that were there to be another referendum, I believe it should not be advisory and that the issue should not be revisited for a considerable period of time unless there was a similar majority in parliament as is required under the fixed parliament act to look at it again.
The sensible course would be to let the Tories have their no deal

I see you are a radicalised Brexiteer that thinks it is acceptable.

It is totally unacceptable for Johnson stop parliamentary debate to force something through.

On top of that government have stopped publishing yellowhammer for the public to read.

And you are so entrenched you are suggesting it is ok to force something through that every single report says will be very damaging.

Please listen to yourself......
Be careful what you wish for

Yes indeed.

You wish for the Tories to get a no deal Brexit by devious means.

And dont you Brexiteers understand

No deal only means more negotiations for years
If Boris can't get his no deal an election will have to be held at some point, frustrated leavers could give Boris a thumping majority and under the rules the Tories could be in power for years.
So we could end up with a no deal brexit and a Tory party of extreme right wingers who can't be got rid of

How crazy.

You are arguing no deal should happen to stop extreme Tory and no deal from happening.

Once no deal happens, we cant go back, thats it we havr to negotiate from a weak position.
If we stay in the EU we will still be able to get horsemeat Lasagne in Tescos, every cloud has a silver lining.

Ignoring the silly argument......

You are the one arguing against checks in Ireland and here you are complaining about a lack of tracability.

You are contradicting yourself
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