There's trouble ahead...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
According to the Chancellor...

"Sajid Javid has admitted businesses will be hit by Brexit as he fired off a warning to manufacturers that “there will be no alignment” with EU rules...."

"With less than two weeks until the Brexit deadline, the chancellor said the Treasury would not support manufacturers that favour EU rules as firms have had three years to prepare for a new trading relationship."

“We’re also talking about companies that have known since 2016 that we are leaving the EU. Admittedly, they didn’t know the exact terms.”

At the same time he's predicting a large rise in growth...

The guy is a nutjob!

At least Farage has finally got something right...

"I frankly think that around the world at that moment at 11pm, our country looks like a joke."
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We live in interesting times.. far too late now, but we should never have joined to EU.
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Brexit expenditure has now exceeded all our contributions to the EU since we joined
Still, never mind.

Brexiteers cant and wont understand the level of damage trade barriers will do to UK business, so they post rubbish instead.

Nevermind tw ats like Francois and Bridgen will own the brexit wreck all on their own.

Mucking fuppets
Funnily enough Savid the nutjob said before the referendum...

"The only thing leaving the EU guarantees is a lost decade for British business"...

"I was somewhere in West London, meeting with one of the area’s many television companies, when the EU Single Market really began to make more sense.

I was Culture Secretary at the time, and the company’s chief executive was explaining why they’d chosen the UK for their main base outside North America.

It had a lot to do with wealth of creative talent here. But the clincher was the Single Market – it meant they could broadcast to up to half a billion viewers across 28 countries and only have to deal with regulators in the UK. Thanks to common standards across Europe, they didn’t have to worry about meeting the demands of dozens of different local bureaucrats.

It was a similar story when I worked in financial services. If I wanted to seal a deal in, say, Paris, all I had to do was hop on a train, get the paperwork signed and head home again. My biggest worry was whether I’d be back in time to put the kids to bed.

Even companies that are neither exporters nor part of the export supply chain – your local corner shop, for example – benefit from the economic growth that kind of access brings.

And it works for imports too – British consumers benefit from lower prices on the things they want to buy, and British companies can easily import the raw materials they need to make goods. There’s no doubt about it, remaining in the EU is good for business.

Of course, the Brexit camp say we don’t have to be a member of the EU to benefit from all this.

That, should we vote to leave, Brussels would instantly offer us full and easy access to the Single Market and influence over regulations. All the good stuff, none of the bad.

It sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s just not realistic."

Just goes to show that politicians will completely prostitute themselves along with the country for the sake of their pathetic party and their own careers!

Brexit expenditure has now exceeded all our contributions to the EU since we joined

That's the remoaners fault dragging the caper out for 3 years

They should all face some type of tax or other financial. Penalty for the caper

Now is not the time to get the squeaky bum syndrome ;)

Remoaners need to get a grip and act like They have a pair ;)


Remember we are British ;) we do not run up the white flag ;) at the sign of some foreigners are threatening us

Make do and mend is my advice ;)

Become self sufficient grow yer own
Blimey the way I see it apart from. Me :cool:
And a few others ;) this forum is full of dead beats and no hopers :LOL:
should boost moral.

Looking forward to see what excuses the whingeing quitters come up with when they lose their jobs and workers rights (y)

I was very sympathetic when thatcher tore communities apart...

Now I don't give a flying fc uk :)

Looking forward to see what excuses the whingeing quitters come up with when they lose their jobs and workers rights (y)

I was very sympathetic when thatcher tore communities apart...

Now I don't give a flying fc uk :)

Typical response of an extremist remoaner living abroad ;)
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