Things that make you smile

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....*sighs*..... No wonder you're so grumpy.
Enough of my excuses. What about yours? ;) What makes you tick skitz? Wanna accept my friendship via the link above for pm's? Yuo ca always rmeove it if our love doesn't work out :(

I don't really have much that does make me tick...I haven't really (touch wood) had anything in my life happen that would make any subject touchy. Which is probably why I assume that no-one will get offended if I make weird jokes.

Guess my biggest gripe and the thing that gets me the most indignant is people who can't be objective about things..
All the cheeky nasty ( only to grown ups ) things I did with my friends when we were kids.
my son had a medical in school when he was five years old and being quite tall for his age at thetime the doctor told him "when your 18 your going to be 6ft" when I got home he said "the doctor said when I am 6 I am going to be 18ft" ............I still laugh about it now :D
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....*sighs*..... No wonder you're so grumpy.
Enough of my excuses. What about yours? ;) What makes you tick skitz? Wanna accept my friendship via the link above for pm's? Yuo ca always rmeove it if our love doesn't work out :(

I don't really have much that does make me tick... I haven't really (touch wood) had anything in my life happen that would make any subject touchy. Which is probably why I assume that no-one will get offended if I make weird jokes.

Guess my biggest gripe and the thing that gets me the most indignant is people who can't be objective about things..
Let's 'try' not to get into a slagging match. Perhaps that's (bold above), the reason why you don't see some other people's perspective on things such as Huntley et al Skitz? Some of us have had things happen to us that does make us 'raw' about certain subjects.

Oh aye, and I see Dex wants to go over to the dark side! :D
my son had a medical in school when he was five years old and being quite tall for his age at thetime the doctor told him "when your 18 your going to be 6ft" when I got home he said "the doctor said when I am 6 I am going to be 18ft" ............I still laugh about it now :D
Brilliant! :LOL: :LOL:
....*sighs*..... No wonder you're so grumpy.
Enough of my excuses. What about yours? ;) What makes you tick skitz? Wanna accept my friendship via the link above for pm's? Yuo ca always rmeove it if our love doesn't work out :(

I don't really have much that does make me tick... I haven't really (touch wood) had anything in my life happen that would make any subject touchy. Which is probably why I assume that no-one will get offended if I make weird jokes.

Guess my biggest gripe and the thing that gets me the most indignant is people who can't be objective about things..
Let's 'try' not to get into a slagging match. Perhaps that's (bold above), the reason why you don't see some other people's perspective on things such as Huntley et al Skitz? Some of us have had things happen to us that does make us 'raw' about certain subjects.

Oh aye, and I see Dex wants to go over to the dark side! :D

I agree, we all see things from our own perspective. Some people have bias (I do not mean this in a bad way, I would too if i had had the same misfortunes) because bad things happen to them. Other will just see things for what they are. It is very important that we don't let our ...'hearts', for want of a better word, over power our mind's reasoning.

Lets be honest as well, if we couldn't joke or mention anything that someone might be raw from we will never be able to joke about anything. We'd be left with jokes like "I spilt 'Spot eraser' on my he's gone".

I think it is very important that everyone realises that not everyone is 'raw' and instead of attacking them for not treating the subject with the amount of respect that YOU would give it, realise that it isn't a personal attack on you or your experience, but a completely unbias and level view.

If any of that come off as insulting, it wasn't meant to...i am hoping that will be enough.
It is very important that we don't let our ...'hearts', for want of a better word, over power our mind's reasoning.

And this can best be acheived by reading through what you intend posting and asking yourself first,
"Is this a reasonable/sensible post with substance/fact/evidence or am I just trying to 'get at' someone for what they have posted?"

It goes a long way to a harmonious but intelligent/debateable forum where people can express opinions in an adult way without resorting to 'bullying'.
It is very important that we don't let our ...'hearts', for want of a better word, over power our mind's reasoning.

And this can best be acheived by reading through what you intend posting and asking yourself first,
"Is this a reasonable/sensible post with substance/fact/evidence or am I just trying to 'get at' someone for what they have posted?"

It goes a long way to a harmonious but intelligent/debateable forum where people can express opinions in an adult way without resorting to 'bullying'.

Precisely. Bullying, being a deliberate attempt to try to offend or hurt an individual is completely wrong.
We have to be careful not to assume that 'bullying' is anything that is said that we don't agree with though. If the intention is not there, it is not bullying but someone being sensitive...maybe 'overly' about someones honest opinion.
We have to be careful not to assume that 'bullying' is anything that is said that we don't agree with though. If the intention is not there, it is not bullying but someone being sensitive...maybe 'overly' about someones honest opinion.

Quite. But it should also be respected that some people are 'very' sensitive to certain subjects and caution excercised in cases where the subject is obviously emotive such as Peados, child killers, rape etc. I am not dragging any previous posts up just using these subjects as examples.
To be quite frank, my emotive subject, if you like, is anyone who harms children in any way whatsoever. Be it physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, neglect etc. Its quite clear from posts I have made on these subjects that I get extremely angry at the mere mention of these people having any 'rights'.
Anyway, 'nuff said.
Lets keep things more civilised so we can have discussions/debates/differences of opinion etc without resorting to personal attacks and this should be one of the best forum boards on the net.
Don't you all agree? ;)
knowing the life of this world is not forever. and feeling sleepy
We have to be careful not to assume that 'bullying' is anything that is said that we don't agree with though. If the intention is not there, it is not bullying but someone being sensitive...maybe 'overly' about someones honest opinion.

Quite. But it should also be respected that some people are 'very' sensitive to certain subjects and caution excercised in cases where the subject is obviously emotive such as Peados, child killers, rape etc. I am not dragging any previous posts up just using these subjects as examples.
Agreed, however as I said, EVERYONE has a different raw area, put all these types of people on one forum and people are going to get offended on almost any subject, anyway you look at it. It is how people act once offended that is the key...for example by ignoring the thread if it is TOO raw, or trying to be objective as possible. I enjoy debates, I enjoy discussing clashing view points (i do change my own opinion sometimes due to them and we all learn more) and I am fully aware I have strong opinions :))) and realise sometimes they may be a little too close to home for people to be able to remain level headed in their response....but it is important that THEY also realise this and bow out/abstain.
I.e. If we're ever too offended to be able to respond objectively...we shouldn't respond.
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