Time for Marshall law

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It removes any need for NHS to comply with continuing healthcare legislation. Lets hope the gocernment act in good faith rather than using it as a power grab.
I think they will be criticised no matter what they do. These do feel like unprecedented times.
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They do not stay apart though do they.They congregate at food places,petrol stations etc...add to ques.and if there for a while and fall ill..,add more pressure to rural hospitals.They also end up calling mountain rescue....Many of whom are NHS employees and are a bit busy at present......Hence...STAY AT HOME
Some do, most don't, It's called being human
Can they shoot people if Marshall. Law is adopted

A couple of sex offenders in prison have died from this chinese flu

67 and 80 year old?
Can they shoot people if Marshall. Law is adopted
Motorbiking, are the explanatory notes mentioned available too?
British governments have viewed enforcing laws as a low priority for a long time - so long in fact, that they would not know how to if they really had to. Our laws are derived from the bible, but Christianity has been almost erased from our culture so our lawmakers would probably look to an inferior foreign example of how to enforce order, should it need to. We have seen much worse behaviour in this country than what is happening now.
I think they will be criticised no matter what they do. These do feel like unprecedented times.
Oh indeed, my point wasnt a criticism, the govt and civil service have put together a mammoth amount of legislation in just a matter of days.

But the social care system was already on its needs, this legislation will be concerning for many.
Motorbiking, are the explanatory notes mentioned available too?

The ink isn’t dry yet. This is still being worked on.

police already have powers and where they don’t it’s never stopped them before.
And Im pretty sure that they will abuse this new power and use others on people that are doing what they are lawfully allowed to do.

So nothing new there then :)
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