'Tis better to have joined and left....

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Pilate's addwess... [trumpets]
CROWD: [cheering]
PILATE: People of Jewusalem!
CROWD: [chuckling]
PILATE: Wome is your fwiend.
CROWD: [laughing]
PILATE: To pwove our fwiendship, it is customawy at this time to welease a wongdoer fwom our pwisons.
CROWD: [laughing]
PILATE: Whom would you have me welease?
GUARD: Welease Woger!
CROWD: Yes! Welease Woger! Welease Woger! [laughing]
PILATE: Vewy well. I shall welease Woger!
CROWD: [cheering]
CENTURION: Sir, uh, we don't have a 'Woger', sir.
CENTURION: Uh, we don't have anyone of that name, sir.
PILATE: Ah. We have no 'Woger'!
CROWD: Ohhhhh!
BOB: Well, what about Wodewick, then?
CROWD: Yes! Welease Wodewick! Welease Wodewick!
PILATE: Centuwion, why do they titter so?
CENTURION: Just some, uh, Jewish joke, sir.
PILATE: Are they... wagging me?
CENTURION: Oh, no, sir!
PILATE: Vewy well. I shall welease... Wodewick!
CROWD: [laughing]
CENTURION: Sir, we don't have a 'Roderick' either.
PILATE: No 'Woger'? No 'Wodewick'?
CENTURION: Sorry, sir.
PILATE: Who is this 'Wod'--
PILATE: Who is the 'Wodewick' to whom you wefer?
BOB: He's a wobber!
CROWD: [laughing]
MAN: And a wapist!
CROWD: [laughing]
WOMAN: And a pickpocket!
CROWD: Yeah! Ahh, no! No! Shh! Shh!...
PILATE: He sounds a notowious cwiminal.
CENTURION: We haven't got him, sir. Mm hm.
PILATE: Do we have anyone in our pwisons at all?
CENTURION: Oh, yes, sir. We've got, uh, 'Samson', sir.
PILATE: Samson?
CENTURION: Samson the Sadducee Strangler, sir. Uh, Silus the Syrian Assassin. Uh, several seditious scribes from Caesarea. Uhhh, sixty-seven seers from--
BIGGUS: Let me thpeak to them, Pontiuth!
CENTURION: Oh, no. Oh.
PILATE: Ah. Good idea, Biggus.
BIGGUS: Thitizens! We have Thamthon the Thadduthee Thtrangler, Thilus...
CROWD: [laughing]
BIGGUS: ...the Athyrian Athathin, theveral theditiouth thcribth from Thaetharea, and...
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I think some of the contributers have gone off at a tangent or lost the thread so to speak. But so what, the last two pages make very interesting and amusing reading.
I seem inadvertently to have created a mystery - that wasn't my intent.

If it provides grist to the rumour mill to imagine that I've 'left' because of problems, then perhaps I shouldn't burst the bubble, but nothing could be further from the truth. I have a couple of projects that need a lot of time and my full concentration, so I had to give up something.

However, as someone has pointed out, nobody "leaves" the forum - they just stop posting. I didn't intend to make an announcement; I just wanted to say "Bye", in the same way that some new members say "Hi".

To fully clear things up, I'll now say something that it was remiss of me to forget when I created the topic, as follows...

There's a handful of members on here for whom I have an enormous amount of respect. I don't need to list those people - you know who you are.

There are other members with whom I've crossed swords. C'est la vie. I've done my absolute best to point out wherever I've been wrong, and I make no apology for being blunt, and offer no explanation for being what I am. Thank you to anyone who took the trouble to reply to my posts, and in doing so for furthering discussions. I bear no grudges, and, despite what some of you appear to think of me personally, I wish all of you well.
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