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Most Trans do not have a certificate and do not have surgery

They grant themselves the luxury of pretending that saying the magic words "I am a woman" makes a man turn into a woman
They inform the world that they preferred to be considered as a woman, and be treated as a woman.
Your poinless and persistent referral to biology shows your desperate retention of a woman being a reproductive concept.

Womanhood is not simply about having babies.
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Your poinless and persistent referral to biology shows your desperate retention of a woman being a reproductive concept.

No, it is an acknowledgement that sex is not a whim, or a feeling, it is a biological fact.
Sex is not "allocated"

It is biological fact.
Sex is a label allocated at birth, sometimes incorrectly.
Granted it is based on an inspection of the genitalia. But sometimes it is not that simple, but a label must be applied, by law, within the firt two weeks of birth. "TBD" is not an allowable choice.

Sorry Edit:
All births in England, Wales and Northern Ireland must be registered within 42 days of the child being born. You should do this at the local register office for the area where the baby was born or at the hospital before the mother leaves.

But the "sex" box must be completed for the birth certificate to be registered.

"Information you need when registering a birth​

When registering the birth, you should know:

  • place and date of the birth
  • name, surname and sex of the baby
  • ...

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Tne Gender Recogniton Act. 2004

Show me that paragraph that says a Trans person is a person with a genetic defect or physical abnormality

Show me the paragraph that says a person is legally trans if they are a man who says the magic words "I am a woman."

There are none.
Using the word "true" to include men, who on one or more occasions, on one or more days, have said the words "I am a woman," but no lifestyle changes, no change in clothing, no hormone or surgical treatment.

This includes criminals who think they will get an easier time if they can get locked up in a women's prison.
Not necessarily. They fear lock-up in a male prison for the terrible prejudice they will face, from warders and inmates alike.
it is right that it is difficult to access gender reassignment surgery on the NHS. The NHS should prioritise lifesaving treatment and treatment that restores quality of life.

I should not be entitled to expensive cosmetic surgery at the expense of cancer reconstruction etc.
Try putting that on a UK birth certificate.
There is only a choice of two, and one of them is not intersex, nor non-binary, etc.
I don't need to. But for those who do, they just need to contact the DWP Gender Recognition Team.
Show me that paragraph that says a Trans person is a person with a genetic defect or physical abnormality
More of your silly ill-thought out questions.
You know full well that a trans person may or may not have genital abnormality. And that is not what the Gender Recognition Act was about.
So yiour request is, as usual, a request designed to illicit the response that you desire, in an attempt to prove your point about trans-sexuality.
It does not do that, because your premise is erroneous. And no-one has suggested the Act makes such a claim as you imply.
Show me the paragraph that says a person is legally trans if they are a man who says the magic words "I am a woman."
Another closed request that you know the answer, and again the request is designed to illicit the response that you want.
But again it does not prove any of the points that you make.
"The purpose of the Gender Recognition Act is to provide transsexual people with legal recognition in their acquired gender. Legal recognition will follow from the issue of a full gender recognition certificate by a Gender Recognition Panel."
We've already dealt with the long arduous and humilitating process to obtain a GRC.
It deoesn't prevent trans people from living their life in their preferrred gender.

The only points that you have made are erroneous sagtements such as "a man cannot be a woman", and " a woman is an adult female".

But you've not provided any intellectual reasoning why your statements are correct. You merely keep repeating your slogans and asking questions designed to illicit the response that you want.
I could easily request that you show me where in the Gender Recognition Act that prevents men transitioning to a woman.
But that would be an example of your silly closed requests designed to illicit the response of the enquirer.

"Sex is often used in medical or scientific contexts. Sex is a label — male or female — that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth based on the appearance of the genitals you’re born with. It doesn’t define who you are, or what your gender identity might turn out to be. "

You appear to have some sort of religious or phillosophical mind set barrier to accepting that people need not conform to the gender role that align with the label that they were allcated at birth.
Moreover, all of your objections and arguments have been about trans women.
Don't you have any objectiosn to trans men?
Sex is not "allocated."

Neither is species.

There is no sex fairy who randomly hands out tickets "boy" "girl" "giraffe."
Sex is a label assigned at birth.
It isn't a random label assigned but occasionally it is erroneously assigned.
Non-binary is not an allowable entry on a birth certificate, so in cases of doubt, a best guess has to be applied.
"You can only apply to be recognised as male or female. Non-binary genders are not legally recognised in the UK."
I don't need to. But for those who do, they just need to contact the DWP Gender Recognition Team.
Are there any examples of non-binary, or intersex on any UK birth certificates?
"You can only apply to be recognised as male or female. Non-binary genders are not legally recognised in the UK."
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