Transporting secondhand greenhouses.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
As above. Anyone done it? I keep seeing plenty for sale or free and I’d like one for the allotment but they all require dismantling and transporting. I know the glass comes out but do the frames break down into individual struts that I could fit in a car or do they come as sections - front, back, sides, roof etc. which will require a van to transport them?
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Maybe YouTube will have assembly videos which will show how they are constructed?
i think the problem is
you get there and have problems dismantling it and decide you dont think it will work then you turn into a free disposal service ??
I had a dodgy glasshouse salesman knock on my door. He may as well had saved his breath I knew he was a Conman. I could see right through him...
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They mostly come down to struts and rails so will easily fit into a car.
However, they can be notoriously difficult to disassemble because of rusted nuts/bolts/fixings etc
Two questions to ask the seller. 1/ How long have you had it? 2/ Why are you selling it?
If the first one is over five years I probably wouldn't bother as its sure to be rusted together.
You could try separating it at the roof line and 4 corners so you end up with a number of panels but then you would need a van/lorry to transport it.
I sold a conservatory once for £400, "buyer dismantles". The guy turned up with a screw driver ffs. It took me all day to help him. never again.