Trying Their Best To Finish Off Pubs

13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom

When will these fascists ever stop? As if pubs and restaurants haven't had it difficult enough, now they want to make sure the last few customers stop coming. What possible, legitimate reason can there be to stop people smoking outside? It's not about health, it's about control. Just like the scamdemic.

Smokers' freedoms today - but they'll be coming for your freedoms next. They won't stop, then they'll be trying to control or ban alcohol. Cars are already in their sights and travel is off limits. Any pleasures are theirs to ban. And the sheep will blindly vote for all of it. The sheep are the problem. They don't see the dangers. Will anyone wake up?
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IT would be nice to be able to go to a pub or restaurant etc. without having top walk through a wall of smoke because the smokers are hanging around the doorway.
Hideous filthy habit. They should be made to wear a smoking suit and keep their stinking fag smoke to themselves.
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It would be nice to see it eradicated.
Indeed it would.

And I think the way it is being done in public places is for once a good approach...

Bit by bit rather than an outright ban.
Other consumables, such as alcohol, cars, travel, pleasure, and anything else ReganandCarter might mention all have safe limits of consumption.
There is no safe limit for smoking.
Other consumables, such as alcohol, cars, travel, pleasure, and anything else ReganandCarter might mention all have safe limits of consumption.
There is no safe limit for smoking.

I never thought I say this -

I agree with BD!
The stench of coffee and KFC makes me heave, perhaps we should ban those as well as they are not healthy.

Coffee - does seem to be another USA 'import' (I know, 'coffee shops' were open in the UK years and years ago }LLoyds of London{ where businesses started) but today's influx does seem to be one of the worst elements of USA 'copycating'.

KFCs - I'd don't like the stink of any mass market fried food - including chip shops.
Blimey I recall when u could smoke in a hospital ward

laying in a hospital bed in traction and you could not see the beds opposite due to the smoke haze
How much violence is caused by people smoking fags ?

Friday and Saturday night A&E ;)

domestic violence



all been caused by alcohol ;) and boozed up people
The attitude has changed entirely around smoking.

I remember trying to buy fancy French cigs at the age of 11 and the guy behind the counter gave me
B & H instead saying it would be kinder to my throat......
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