Tunneling in the Mortar ??

13 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
Noticed today, something is tunneling into the mortar in my porch.

The tunnel is about a pencil diameter, approx. 20mm deep and just under the Damp course felt with some dust from the hole on the floor.

What is it and how do I treat it.

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Sounds like a masonry bee to me. They are solitary and do not have a hive, but like soft mortar, particularly on a south facing wall (because it is warmer). Into which they tunnel to lay their egg, I had loads when I first moved into current house and needed an exterminator to spray them, but if it is only one then fly spray will probably do it, then repoint.
Done a search, most say it could be Bee's or Ants.

But not seen any Bee's or Ants around in this area.

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