TV Reception Problems

6 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
I've been having dreadful reception problems with Freeview recently. There's been a lot of complaints recently about the transmitter that I'm served off - apparently most of the people that are on that transmitter are having rotten reception.

Anyway, tonight, it was particularly bad and as I was sitting cursing, I realised that the man across the road was cutting his hedge. Every time he stopped his hedge trimmers, the picture was fine, but the second he started them up again, the picture went off again.

Is this even possible? That hedge cutters could knacker up my reception? :eek: If so, is there anything I can do about it? It is the grass/hedge cutting season and I don't wanna spend the entire summer with no picture on my TV!!!!!

Oh, and if it makes any difference - I've got three TV's running off the one aerial - there's a three way splitter, then the TV's come off that - the TV nearest the splitter is the worst affected regarding the picture, second one gets the odd reception problem and the furthest away one has a perfect picture. I've also go a booster in before it splits.
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Yes, it is entirely possible. The interference is usually absorbed through poorly screened downleads.

If possible, you should install fully screened downleads, splitters, amplifiers & outlet plates.

(If you haven't already).
Ooh, heck - what are they? I've only got the co-ax coming in from the aerial, then the booster, then the splitter, then the co-ax going from the splitter to each TV.
Fully screened coax has a layer of foil as well as the outer braid (copper foil is best I think), and fully screened accessories are available from lots of places inc. Satcure online.

From the way you describe, it sounds like you are using a set back amplifier? You may want to consider a masthead amp (mounts much closer to the aerial), they can be quite beneficial for problem areas.
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I've just been sat here inspecting co-ax!!! The cable coming in from the aerial doesn't appear to have a layer of foil on it. It plugs into the booster. The cable coming from the booster to the splitter and then to each TV does have a layer of silver foil - it's satellite cable I think.

The booster is just one that I got in the local electric hardware shop - plugs into the wall and the aerial plugs into it.

I'll get somebody out to put a mast booster on though - no way can I spend all summer with such a rotten picture on the TV every time somebody cuts their hedge!

Thank you for your help - I thought I was gonna get laughed at for asking if hedge cutting could cause TV interference!! :LOL:
replace cable with ct100 or better (usually advertised as satellite cable). Esp. the cable from the aerial if this is unshielded. Get a good quality splitter (not passive) to split the signal.

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