Two Chinese school children died while wearing masks and doing physical excercise

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Whilst there may be some concerns with masks increasing the risk of respiratory infections, it's not the smoking gun you claim.

One or two incidents out of millions proves nothing.

Why don't you research the stuff you post?
Are you incapable of esearching the science behind this stuff?
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Source: gab.

for someone who seems so concerned about breathing in germs, it's ironic that you spend your time wading through an open sewer.
What a genius you aren't.. I've stated numerous times on here that I use Gab. And you quote an opinion from a real open sewer where anyone can edit pages, and which has long since been used by rabid left wing fanatics to target anyone to the right of Shirley Williams, to demean just about the only true free speech haven left.
Gab doesn't tolerate genuine hate speech, or porn, but apart from that you are free to have an opinion without fear of censorship. Unlike Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and all the rest of the real open sewers, where the mere mention of election fraud, or the possibility that Covid is not the death knell of humanity is enough to earn instant bans, even for people who have spent years building up contacts and followers, and who have many thousands of the latter.
I'm not religious myself, so to me the pervasive religious content on Gab is a bit of a pain, but that does no harm and is easily ignored.
A lot of the people on there are devout Christians, as is the founder and CEO, there is nothing wrong with that and they are good people.
As you would see for yourself if you had the intelligence or capacity to look for yourself, instead of just blindly accepting all of the main stream propaganda.
The chances of a child dying without a mask is probably as rare. The Chinese or Asians in particular have been wearing masks for decades, dummy.

You really are a naïve gullible fool sooey.

No, you are, you ignore all of the obvious deleterious effects of kids being forced to wear masks for long periods of time.
Schools are for far more than just reading, riting and rithmatic.
They teach kids how to interact with others, how is that going to work when they're all wearing masks you silly fcker?
What about the many kids with hearing problems who rely on lip reading.
Apart from anything else it has long been known that asymptomatic carriers of any respiratory disease are no risk to others.
It is people who are coughing and sneezing who spread germs, that is real science, but let's ignore that because....covid.
It is also known, and acknowledged now that kids are at very little risk of catching or spreading covid.
The biggest spreaders are the teachers, let them wear the masks if they want to.
Forcing a child to sit in a mask all day long is child abuse, plain and simple.
If you weren't such an obnoxious arzehole you'd know that.
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So the bacteria are prevented from reaching and infecting another person. That is good.
This is a simple concept which I'll try to explain.
Virus's are not prevented from escaping by the fabric of most masks, though most will probably escape some will be trapped, if a mask is worn for long periods then over time they will build up to more dangerous levels.
We are constantly breathing and exhaling bacteria, they are all around us, but we have developed a wonderful immune system which under normal circumstances deals with the dangers and protects us.
Wearing a face covering with a build up of dangerous bacteria is not normal circumstances, and the immune system may be overwhelmed.
So masks can be dangerous to the wearer, while doing little to protect them or others.
The kind of people who think that the weave in a normal mask is capable of stopping a virus of 0.1 microns in size, would probably think that opening a window and covering the gap with a piece of chain link fence would stop flies from coming in.
What a genius you aren't.. I've stated numerous times on here that I use Gab.
No you didn't, you said once, and once only that it exists, not that you use it.

See it's this crap level of fact checking that means I don't trust a word you copy and paste.
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There are 260million youngsters in education in China. How many would you expect to die in a typical week? Since April last year, with the whole world wearing masks, how many similar cases have you been able to find?

My granny had a heart attack and died while waiting for the kettle to boil for her morning cuppa.

Should I post scare stories blaming kettles?
There are 68.2 million people in the uk ,How many of them would you expect to die in a typical week ?
Should msn post scare stories blaming Covid?
Oh wait. That’s been done already.
So many hypocrites on this forum that use the same arguments to back up their beliefs that where used to disprove their beliefs .
Viruses are not prevented from escaping by the fabric of most masks, though most will probably escape some will be trapped, if a mask is worn for long periods then over time they will build up to more dangerous levels.
That's just funny, in your example the viruses are already in present in decent quantities on your blood stream as otherwise how are they being produced?

So, a mask will reduce the chance of you breathing in virus particles, as you admit. they'll reduce the chance of you infecting others, but you think that the recycled virii you you would otherwise breathe out will make you sicker.
And have you looked into it further to see what the actual cause of death was certified as?
I'm sure there have been a number of people throughout the world who have died whilst wearing a face mask, but it doesn't mean the mask was the cause of their death.
Even though they were children they may have had underlying medical conditions that may, or may not, have been diagnosed but which may, or may not, have been the real reason.
I’m sure there have been a number of people throughout the uk who have died whilst having Covid ,but it doesn’t mean that Covid was the cause of their death.
The sheeple hypocrites who again ,when it’s suits their belief it’s fine to say it but when it goes against their belief then who ever says that is unintelligent etc.
Oh wait. That’s been done already.

You've been asked this a few times but never answered it.

Why is it being grossly exaggerated? Why are the MSM lying? If there are empty wards why are cancer patients, and others, not being treated?
You've been asked this a few times but never answered it.

Why is it being grossly exaggerated? Why are the MSM lying? If there are empty wards why are cancer patients, and others, not being treated?
Myself along with others have answered that multiple times ,sick of repeating ourselves like you sheeple
Myself along with others have answered that multiple times ,sick of repeating ourselves like you sheeple

Ok, yet again no answer. You could link me to it if you don't want to explain why you think what you do.

It's a perfectly reasonable question.
Yea, don't let the truth get in the way of things.

So forcing children to wear masks all day in school is not child abuse in your opinion? I'm very glad that my dad had a lot more sense than you.
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