UFO's / UAP's ?

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Yes, we know what Chris Dunn thinks. He's wrong and I have shown you how.

There is a video, which you claim not be able to open, which shows how the Egyptians did it. It is there, right in front of your very eyes, and proves Chris Dunn conclusively wrong. If you still claim it can't be done then I really can't help you with that.

There is a paper from a well respected scientific author that explains the theory of how it can easily be done with the tools Egyptians had at the time (citing other scientific authors who have studied the nature of rocks/granite). If you still claim it can't be done then I really can't help you with that.
The paper is just his opinion and nothing more. He’s not backed it up, other than his wife’s cookie cutter.

He’s basically a diy Egyptologist. And a his wife Delah smith.
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The paper is just his opinion and nothing more.
Ok you stick with TikTok. I'll do the science.

Out of interest, If you claim is correct, how did the Egyptians do it? How did they have tools more advanced than ours?
Ok you stick with TikTok. I'll do the science.

Out of interest, If you claim is correct, how did the Egyptians do it? How did they have tools more advanced than ours?
It’s not science is it. It’s a blokes opinion who has no training in the field. And his wife’s cookies. Which means he’s not even serious about the paper!!

I’ve no idea, but there’s evidence all over Egypt of core drills and massive circular saws being used. The core is only the start.
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The video does nothing to show how core 7 was drilled far in excess of today’s technology does it ?

It works. Nothing the ancients couldnt handle.

Today, we are in a rush to complete things.

At 4 mins. Explain how that was cut

Its obvious that these guys have no clue as even the holes have been proven to have been made using copper tubes like the video i posted. Lost technology but with basic materials...

At 4 mins. Explain how that was cut
He starts off with the mudbrick and immediately veers off in the wrong direction.
Mudbrick was used to face off the stone, it was whitewashed and gleamed brilliant white when it was freshly applied. The capstone was likely coated in gold leaf, so you can imagine how amazing it would've appeared.
We know Egyptians used metals found in meteorite - Tutankhamun had a knife made from one - and that material is a possible candidate for teeth on a saw used to cut/drill through the stone.
Science, man, science.
Flinders-petrie is the 'godfather' of modern archaeology and everything done today is based upon his meticulous field work. While Schliemann was digging random holes in Troy and annoying the Turks, F-P was painstakingly sifting sand and clearing away layer upon layer of history using a trowel.
His wife baked delicious cookies to sustain him through these pioneering days.
Science says, and has proved, on video, that they had the tools. NVGSW says "it was magic that did it".

Nvgsw is living on a different planet i think. Maybe he thinks aliens did it! Lol
Science says, and has proved, on video, that they had the tools. NVGSW says "it was magic that did it".
Your mate and his baker wife you mean ? The video proved nothing as they they used a back and forth motion.

Nvgsw is living on a different planet i think. Maybe he thinks aliens did it! Lol
Your video proven it’s possible with basic tools and agree. But only to a very basic level. Nothing like the perfect work done thousands of years ago.

Care to answer how they cut the granite so straight ?
We know Egyptians used metals found in meteorite - Tutankhamun had a knife made from one - and that material is a possible candidate for teeth on a saw used to cut/drill through the stone.
Stone is soft. We are taking about granite.

But it’s ok, Denny has come as close as he ever will to admitting he’s wrong. So I’m happy with that.

Have a nice afternoon.
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