UK to Rwanda asylum plan ruled unlawful

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Royal Courts of Justice giving its findings now. In summary, they have ruled the plan as unlawful. The (previous) High Court decision that Rwanda is a safe country has been reversed.
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Very disappointing, for all those set to earn millions on the back of this scheme.
2:1 split.

The Lord Chief Justice disagreed with the new verdict. But the Master of the Rolls was in favour. So, our two highest judges are on opposite sides. Very interesting. We'll have to wait to see how the Supreme Court rules.
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Rwanda insisting it is a safe country (no great surprise there.)
Apparently Braverman to speak to the house at 5pm today re the findings.
I wonder what racist language she'll use this time when trying to defend the indefensible?
Feck me, it was only the other day that a remoaner was saying we would be paying more to send them there. No doubt now they’ll be moaning that we might not be sending anyone there. Never happy, that remoaner lot, are they?
Feck me, it was only the other day that a remoaner was saying we would be paying more to send them there. No doubt now they’ll be moaning that we might not be sending anyone there. Never happy, that remoaner lot, are they?
I'm not sure what this really has to do with Brexit. Sending non-EU asylum seekers halfway around the world at a massive cost to the taxpayer, as well as making us all look like "the bad guys", is not a leave/remain issue.

I'd like to think some pro-Brexit people were also outraged at this proposal.
What happens if Frenchman or British guy turns up at Dover, or Calais on the Ferry with out a passport or permission to enter? Are they allowed in and put up in a hotel, or put on the next ferry back?
I don't think the government will be too unhappy.
They won't be, actually they'll be very happy, because they can now say 'our plans have been scuppered by the courts ...' which deflects from their general incompetency around this for x years past.
I'm not sure what this really has to do with Brexit. Sending non-EU asylum seekers halfway around the world at a massive cost to the taxpayer, as well as making us all look like "the bad guys", is not a leave/remain issue.

I'd like to think some pro-Brexit people were also outraged at this proposal.
Brings back the comment that brexit was all about immigrants (and been proved it wasnt)
Feck me, it was only the other day that a remoaner was saying we would be paying more to send them there. No doubt now they’ll be moaning that we might not be sending anyone there. Never happy, that remoaner lot, are they?
For me, I'm peed off that potentially a sheet ton of money has been poured into the Rwanda pit that could have been used for better purposes.

Ditto all the PPE money paid out to companies who provided sweet FA.
For me, I'm peed off that potentially a sheet ton of money has been poured into the Rwanda pit that could have been used for better purposes.

Ditto all the PPE money paid out to companies who provided sweet FA.
According to reports, £140 million paid to Rwanda. Doubt we'll see that back.
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