'Vaccine' shortage...

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For the short term, we have in place factories that are gearing up and it has been stated the should come online later in q2/Q3

The EU also have factories gearing up to manufacture, at least 3.

I can't find any upto date info, but back in Feb, indications were they would start this month....I'm thinking that's ambitious as there has been no news reports recently.
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For the short term, we have in place factories that are gearing up and it has been stated the should come online later in q2/Q3.

The vaccines produced by them will be exported where needed from what I've read
And just in time for the "vaccine sold at cost" promise to terminate. It ends in July, when the price can be ramped up.

Half of the vaccines used in UK have been imported.
"EU countries to restart use of ‘safe and effective’ AstraZeneca vaccine

Germany, France, Spain and Italy reverse course after drugs regulator finds jab ‘safe and effective’"

Up and down like Johnson's zipper.
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Since the UK does not send vaccines, but does take them, this question does not arise.
Can the Goverment dictate to the vaccine manufacturers who gets priority of supply.
Why export vaccines out of the country and create a shortage which would mean more vaccines would have to be imported to fill the shortfall.

Your clip says that 10million doses have been sent from EU to UK; and UK has been able to vaccinate about 25million people (thanks, EU, we appreciate your help). UK has not exported any. Do you foresee this pattern continuing?

Your clip says that 10million doses have been sent from EU to UK; and UK has been able to vaccinate about 25million people (thanks, EU, we appreciate your help). UK has not exported any. Do you foresee this pattern continuing?

The EU haven't exported anything, it is privately owned companies, namely Pfizer to the UK.
Do you deny that 10million doses have been sent from EU to UK?
Poll in France suggests only 20% of french want the Oxford jab

scoundrel macron has caused irreversible damage

so the french don’t want the Oxford vaccine than send it here

same for the Germans

**** em ;)
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