Very convincing plishing scam!

26 Jun 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
This is the link which was included with a plishing email I received.

Its quite safe to visit as long as you dont enter any genuine personal information. Putting in false details though would waste their time and get them excited to no avail.

Of course its nothing to do with the HSBC and is designed to fool you into giving your personal details so they can try to take money out of your account.

However its clearly been built by someone with considerable experience at web site building as the links and popups all work as expected.

It just shows the lengths some clever people will go to the try to defraud you.
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This would take about 5 mins with dream weaver. I was doing this kinda stuff a decade ago (not for ripping anyone off, just for making spoof websites)
This would take about 5 mins with dream weaver. I was doing this kinda stuff a decade ago (not for ripping anyone off, just for making spoof websites)

YAY i remember Dreamweaver 3, that was the first one i used. Building HTML pages is a doddle these days, even PHP isnt a challenge anymore.
:) "Fraudulent Web Page Blocked"

Norton blocks it from opening :)
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as for the actual scam email..............

Since when did HBS bank operate from a Scandinavian web server? It can be identified as a fake just by hovering over the link and looking at the URL.

If you look at the page code, its full of bits like

<div class="vlajka">


<div class="lavo"><div class="medzera"></div>


<div class="najnovsie_podniky"><ul><li><a href="/novy-podnik-289-finito-restaurant">

If you dont understand the significance of this, ill explain, in short the code was written by either a russian or a pole, because all the variable names are in polish or russian. It probably a russian hack on a Scandinavian server.

heres an interesting bit in th code notes:

Utorok 27.4.2010<br><b>Jaroslav
Streda 28.4.2010<br><b>Jarmila
Štvrtok 29.4.2010<br><b>Lea
Piatok 30.4.2010<br><b>Anastázia
Sobota 1.5.2010<br><b>Sviatok práce
Nede¾a 2.5.2010<br><b>Žigmunt

looks like a list of names.
Norton flags it up straight away, so unless you are unprotected, there is little risk :)
These people are scumbags....

I have an idea.... how you can all keep your bank details safe, send 'em to me and i'll look after them... ;)
The log in tells you it's dodgy.

You can enter any old string of characters and instead of flagging up that it is not a valid string, it is accepted.
I have had 2 or 3 from HSBC & havn't even got an account with them.
any ideas why IE8 wouldn't run after downloading yesterday? updates were installed but i couldn't get on t'internet. e-mail was Ok. after uninstalling the upgrades we're up and running again. Vista O/S
any ideas why IE8 wouldn't run after downloading yesterday? updates were installed but i couldn't get on t'internet. e-mail was Ok. after uninstalling the upgrades we're up and running again. Vista O/S

Because Vista is the biggest load of horse poo ever peddled by Microshit. Even the CEO of Microshit admits its crap. If you can afford a copy, go and upgrade to windows 7. Not only will your PC run twice as fast as before, itll stop doing the sort **** that you mentioned with IE8.
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