Website & Forum Revamp

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Staff member
17 Aug 2001
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United Kingdom
We are very excited to announce that in the coming week a new look website and forum will be launched.

The underlying forum software will change during the process and some new features will be available as well as improvements to existing features. Some notable improvements include superior image uploads and also improved mobile viewing.

There may be things that seem very different to begin with but we will be on hand to help you out with any problems / difficulties you encounter along the way.
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Quick update: Old topics are temporarily locked during the conversion to the new forum, they will be unlocked in their new home.

Some downtime will be experienced tomorrow night after midnight while things are converted, if all goes well Sunday morning should awake to the new setup.
Also please note image uploads and profile pictures are also disabled for the duration of today, sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
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Shortly the forum will be switched into a read-only mode and everyone will appear as logged out while start the updates mentioned above. Sorry for any inconvenience. See you on the other side (hopefully!).
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