Forum Update


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I am pleased to announce and as you can (hopefully!) see we have completed a significant update of forum software on DIYnot.

The new software will provide new functionality plus update and improve the existing forum.

Some larger parts of the update are still underway, specifically the media (images) section and the like/thanks reactions. These should finish in the coming hours.

Some less significant tweaks and changes will continue over the the next couple of days.

Apologies for any hiccups along the way and normality will resume asap.

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Looks good. It’s a bit like the plumbersforum, i just hope it doesn’t go as advert heavy. Also, sometimes on theirs, it changes characters, eg, if I put a word, then a full stop, it would remove the last letter.:mad:
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Looks horrible!
Too bright.
And WTF is it with the cookies notice? ISTR that we should be able to opt out yet with this one we cannot.
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Needs a dark mode.

Please add the ability to change the theme back to the old silver mode and a dark mode.

Also, why does this sub forum not appear in "new posts" listings?
Bloomin adverts take up most of the screen..
Screenshot_20220517-073037_Samsung Internet.jpg
Awful waste of screen real estate.

Can only see half the number of posts on the screen that I could before. Another case of usability sacrificed for the sake of (supposedly) looking cool.
Thanks for your feedback thus far. As I mentioned there are still some tweaks to be made, and some parts are finished importing (media / thanks/likes etc).

The colour issue is interesting as it is the same colour palette as before especially on the thread view page. I can see how the index could appear brighter though.
Too bright, two clicks to edit a post?
For me I click Edit at the bottom of the post and I can edit the post inline. Is that not working for you?

Bloomin adverts take up most of the screen..

The adverts haven't changed (nor the quantity). They're in exactly the same places and the number are exactly the same. If you are logged in you see far fewer ads (incl. the one in your example).

Awful waste of screen real estate.

Can only see half the number of posts on the screen that I could before. Another case of usability sacrificed for the sake of (supposedly) looking cool.
The number of posts per page, threads per index etc is exactly the same. The width has changed from 100% to a fixed width. It is the intention to add a wider option that should make it wider. But the number of posts per page is exactly the same, otherwise every link to the site would break.
Adverts have moved up to the top again now I've logged in
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