Weird Drive Access Issue

23 May 2017
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United Kingdom
Have contacted Highways and my local Planning about an opinion on this but no joy.

Currently, access from my drive is being blocked by cars on the other side of the road.

When they are parked opposite its impossible (or very difficult) to exit my drive even in reverse without going over the kerb.

We do have a drop kerb in place but with the cars parked where they are, it's not wide enough.

My driveway is situated in a corner and I often have to reverse off the drive, off the dropped kerb and around the parked vehicles to exit the property.

This wasn't a massive problem until my old car went pop I am now set to pick up a new car (with less clearance road to body work).

I will, of course, talk to my neighbours about this but I'd like a solution to go along with the chat about parking.

What options are available to me other than applying for an extended drop kerb?

I was thinking H markings but on the local planning website it states that "Your kerb must already be lowered where the driveway meets the road before a marking can be provided." I don't want to spend £50 and wait 3 months for a decision if it's going to go against me.

Any experience, opinions or ideas?


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Are they parking next to the fence? I don't see the problem?
You could cut back the fence to give the impression of a wider drive access? This might deter some people from parking up to the end of the drop
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There appears to be some sort of dropped kerb in an "L" shape, so I cant see where a car can be parked so as to cause a problem getting off that drive without it being in front of a dropped kerb and thus being an obstruction - ie there appears to be enough room to swing a car.
@motorbiking The park directly opposite the drive entrance by the lamp post. Yes, we are thinking of widening the access and extending the drop kerb to get past the parked cars, but it's expensive.

@woody It appears that way perhaps but there isn't, am not a bad driver (I believe) but I find it impossible to reverse on around the parked cars without going over the kerb.
I think it has done you no favours posting a picture without the actual problem present. When someone is parked there take another picture so we can get a better idea. People are quick to judge as from the picture you have posted I see no problems but I am sure if someone was parked anywhere near that lamp post it would be an issue.

Imagine telling us you have really noisy neighbours and you need help then posting a recording with no sound on at all, people will be like what you talking about.
Agree with the above but also, if it was me I'd reverse in to make coming out easier
A picture with obstacles would be better
I am sure if someone was parked anywhere near that lamp post it would be an issue.

That's what I thought, the fact no weeds grow there, and the home-made cement ramp up the the kerb suggests that they do park there, regularly.
I've sliced the bread too thick to fit in the toaster? Should I contact the Planning Department or Building Control?
Your thinking of spondex. My artisan bread shop refuses to pass my olive, raisin and yoghurt sourdough through their slicer. Quite right too.
I too recommend reversing in, this gives you a far better ability to turn while exiting.

Now, is this a case of - you have opened up your property and made a drive where one was not originally made when the road layout was planned, so your now complaining because people are parking where they are entitled to?
This is exactly an issue I have come across, a local has taken down some fence panels and made a drive perpendicular to the roadway and have complained about people parking on the opposite side of the road where on street parking is perfectly legal and normal - and it is only a problem because the young driver who is whingeing about it refuses to learn how to reverse in.
Never mind reversing in, if you want people to stop parking near your drive do a handbrake turn into your drive. They'll soon stop parking anywhere near:LOL:

In all seriousness parking is always a pain in busy streets. A drop kerb is your best defence, as obstructing that people generally won't do, and if they do you can call the council and they'll come and ticket them.

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