What’s the closest escape you’ve ever had from a dangerous situation?

Caught my pony tail in the slow speed feed bar on my lathe.

Pulled me in right up to my scalp before finally stopping.

Your life really does flash before your eyes . . . . .
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Coming back up to Scotland from a day trip to sunny Blackpool. Mate driving, me in passenger seat. As you can imagine, doing it all in a day (early start, drive to Blackpool, Pleasure Beach for the day, drive back to Scotland) is pretty exhausting.

On motorway, night time. Mate doing 75ish. Luckily I had stayed awake. Became aware of car gradually and then quickly veering to left. Looked at mate. He'd fallen asleep. Needless to say I quickly (but as calmly as possible) wakened him up, then gave him a bit of a verbal ear-bashing!

I like to think if I'd been asleep the rumble strip at left inner lane would have wakened him up as the noise it makes is quite loud.
Driving back from a business meeting in a colleagues brand new Merc' S class when I noticed the trailer being towed by the Land Rover we were overtaking just becoming uncoupled.

He thought I was going down on him as I casually laid my head on his lap.

The trailer was full of brick rubble & had no safety chain. The towing arm ripped through both the A & B post, taking a path exactly where my head was a few split milliseconds earlier, as the bulk of the trailer wiped away the wing & both door skins as if they were tinfoil.
I was working on a site at age the age of 17 & I have never ever been able to work out exactly why that sites foreman hated me with so much passion as he did.

One Sat'day morning my mate pulled up by me in his first car, so I jumps in as shotgun & we went for a ride. 8 track stereo blaring out as was my elbow on the windowsill.

Young, beautiful & carefree as we were, we pulled up alongside 2 equally young & beautiful young girls & offered them a ride . . . .

Later that afternoon we all in her bedroom when she starts panicking & telling us that her dads just coming up the street & we need to GO NOW.

So I looks discreetly out of the bedroom window & yup, it's him.
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'Shaun the Sheep' built a staircase scaffold tower up the side of a huge coal bunker at the infamous Asfordby super mine. 60' up the side of a 4' thick concrete wall & they only let him tie it in at the top.

So ****y130110x here grabs 'young Garry', jumps in a truck & heads off to strip it down when it became obvious we weren't getting paid.

We're both sat at the top of this 60' high scaffolding staircase when I loosened the coupling holding it all against the wall, both of us watching with open mouths as the coupling slowly slipped towards the end of the 4' pole it was attached to . . . .

Your life really does flash before your eyes, & Dork has never been able to climb much above 10' ever since.
A taxi ride in Tunisia.

Done that, never again. Same in Egypt. Just about to grab a cab, near bye driver shouts out a lower price. I looked at the guy in the cab we were getting into and he seethes through his teeth "OK 5 American". This was back when they all drove those Pug 504 estates. We paid dearly in terror getting back to the hotel. He really punished us. Odd thing is I thought they liked to barter??
Our ride was in a 504 too. Wouldn't chance a taxi ride in Egypt. Na'ama bay is bad enough on foot.
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