What’s the closest escape you’ve ever had from a dangerous situation?

19 Mar 2022
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United Kingdom
I nearly fell 20ft out of a tree once , luckily managed to stable myself in time
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On board SS Canberra in a severe storm, in 1986 I think (Christmas Africa cruise).
The whole ship got thrown about 22 degrees one way, then 23 the other. It was stress tested less than that. Lots of injuries, chaos on board. 8 year old friend of family was almost crushed by the grand piano - we were playing Monopoly in one of the dance halls on the upper decks, as the decks were all locked down. I remember watching a giant oil tanker that was sailing parallel to us (presumably now, for safety in case of disaster) and it would literally disappear for seconds at a time. Mad huge waves. We never knew how bad it was until an old officer was talking on the Danny Baker show many years later, and talked about the day they "almost lost the Canberra".
We were in a car accident where dad's car rolled over several times on a motorway. This was years ago I must have been aged about 9. The family was in the car and every one had injures mum and ded serious ones and one of my siblings but all recovered over the months. Me and another sibling did not have a scratch

Thanks for initiating another good topic.

IMHO you are the new king of new threads.
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As a kid I held a banger in my Catapult, lit it and waited for it to fizz before releasing it. It blew up about 6 inches from my hand. 1/10th of a second later and I'd probably have lost my fingers.
Why do you keep on trashing perfectly good threads!!! Do you have no respect for the OP. Just because the OP is making great threads, don't trash them, ok. OK!!

Most likely you envy the new king of threads!!
:) :)

What are you on about? Trashing a thread? Seems like you just derailed some light-hearted fun, again.
As a kid I held a banger in my Catapult, lit it and waited for it to fizz before releasing it. It blew up about 6 inches from my hand. 1/10th of a second later and I'd probably have lost my fingers.
Was it a rook scarer banger ? as used in Lewes bonfire .
I had a ONS with a gorgeous girl, who, as far as I knew, was single. Woke up at 0345 with the door slamming.
Asked her what was going on, she said, "It's only the other half, don't worry, he'll pass out on the sofa.....:eek::eek::eek:
I had a ONS with a gorgeous girl, who, as far as I knew, was single. Woke up at 0345 with the door slamming.
Asked her what was going on, she said, "It's only the other half, don't worry, he'll pass out on the sofa.....:eek::eek::eek:

Anyone else read that ONS as 'Office of National Statistics'?
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