After being told by the shared third party wall surveyor that our fence panel must be removed to allow neighbour to build their house extension, and after building they will resite our fencepost and our fence beyond the new building, we wrote immediately stating our fence must not be removed without our permission. We understood this is not refusing, but making sure no liberties were taken. We now have what I have read others have experienced of an unsightly, badly finished breeze block wall, as have the neighbour on the other side of the extension. Of course the neighbour who is building only sees nice brick wall finishes on their property! Where do I find out if the plans said that the side of the walls, unseen by neighbour, would be rendered? For some reason we were unable to download planning application and another checked main details for us. Will it say on the application if the neighbouring property seen walls will be rendered? If it does say rendered then we at least can approach neighbour stipulating that we supported their building improvements by agreeing to enable their reduced costs by sharing the third party wall surveyor. Help as we are new to all of this and feel taken advantage.