When we bought our house many years ago the solicitor explained that the boundary on the north side of our property was our boundary and that we were responsible for it's maintenance.
A few years later we decided to build a single storey extension and to maximise the width (just 8ft externally ) we built on the boundary (which was our boundary). At the time the property next door was a large parcel of overgrown land.
Some 7 years later the land has been sold and the developer is building 2 large properties upon it. There is no dispute as who's boundary wall it is, however the developer has just erected some featheredge fencing and rather than attach to a post at the end, they have drilled and attached to our external wall.
The boundary is ours and therefore I assume viewed as our property, so is the developer allowed to do this or should they have asked our permission. Or as we have built on the actually boundary are they allowed? If they are, does this mean they can do what they like to our wall?
If not can we asked them to correct the fencing, so that it is not attached to our property and also ask for them to repair any damage made?
A few years later we decided to build a single storey extension and to maximise the width (just 8ft externally ) we built on the boundary (which was our boundary). At the time the property next door was a large parcel of overgrown land.
Some 7 years later the land has been sold and the developer is building 2 large properties upon it. There is no dispute as who's boundary wall it is, however the developer has just erected some featheredge fencing and rather than attach to a post at the end, they have drilled and attached to our external wall.
The boundary is ours and therefore I assume viewed as our property, so is the developer allowed to do this or should they have asked our permission. Or as we have built on the actually boundary are they allowed? If they are, does this mean they can do what they like to our wall?
If not can we asked them to correct the fencing, so that it is not attached to our property and also ask for them to repair any damage made?