What expenses scandal?

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The more I hear about corruption in this country, particularly in the government, the more I think this country is as corrupt as some tin-pot third world country.
The more I hear about corruption in this country, particularly in the government, the more I think this country is as corrupt as some tin-pot third world country.
Is as corrupt?

The UK is actually one of the most corrupt countries in the world!

The reason many refuse to believe this is because the establishment has had many years to perfect their 'mind f*ck' trickery!
I fear for the country, this kind of massive wage inequality, corruption has never panned out well previously..... solution, I wish I knew.
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I reckon they're all tarred with the same brush. "Our" lot, and that other lot in Brussels.
It's all far too nice and cosy, with internal checks by their own people. As far as the records being destroyed, they should be rebuilt at the expense of the idiots who authorised it.
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