What Is The Most Beautiful Thing In The World ?

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I do not follow or belong to any religion that advocates killings in the name of God.

Good, because there isn't one that doesn't.

So you have your own way of worshiping, a god? No? Whatever. Why bother? You can do real good in this world without ever having to believe. I now understand why you have ignored all my more 'difficult questions', but it does leave me with the question of why you have to share something that is your own personal belief? What do you hope to achieve on here?

I think what i am trying to do is to share what I have observed through studying nearly all religions and science and came to a conclusion where I do not dismiss the existence of God nor follow so many different religious doctrine that is leading mankind to destruction.

Those in doubt of the existence of God and Devil, just have a look at this clip on how many Magicians perform hard to believe tricks that leaves you gobsmacked, you ask how the hell do they do that, well you will soon realise tyere is more to it than you can comprehend .........
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When you watch Dynamo or any other powerful Magicians, how they get supernatural helping hand to perform some of the tricks that are beyond logical understanding, you can conclude how easy it would be for a Devil to FOOL a man and speak to him as if he has brought a message from GOD, and deceiving man, so the Devil is at work trying to cause destruction, to regain his Energy by giving words he claims are from God, man is a big fool he readily accepts those words he hears as if they were spoken to him by God, Devil is mischievous, he misleads man, man foolishly follows books written by Devil, man has not questioned those books, man has let God down by not using his own head and think for himself. If God wanted to tell man, he comes down to earth in a form of man as is said to have happened in Hindu religion where Lord Krishna came down to earth in real physical form to be with humans face to face to pass real authentic message, and not through some fairy tail the work of a deceiving Devil, like wise, Lord Jesus was for real, son of God.
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If God created man to be free agent and think for himself, and to grow up and learn from his mistakes, and gave him freedom of choice then why subject him to rules? man knows that if he do bad things he will be punished for it, if he do good things he will be rewarded, he knows that if he jump from a cliff he will die, he knows good and bad, so why do bad things, what is leading him to do bad things?
So God did not lay any rules, when he created Universe the laws of physics came into force, and we all have to live within those laws. We are all subject to those laws, God never asked anyone to pray him or worship him, it is no different to people watching Dynmo and then following him after he performs unbelievable magic, they start to follow him, worship him, that is their choice, Dynmo does not ask his followers to worship him, but many do because they think he has supernatural powers, but little do they know what kind of power he has, God's unspoken rules are obvious and it is called common sense, if you overeat you will be sick, so eat moderately, if you drink too much alcohol, you get drunk and lose your head and dignity, have to be carried home left outside your door step, so you drink moderately to enjoy, God's rules are straightforward, love life, live and let live. clearly there is contradiction in what religions tell you otherwise.
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...but you said god is the energy which created the universe - fair enough if that's what you think.

Surely that does not compute with such things as human manifestations like Jesus or a devil.

If you think this energy can turn itself into human form; one good, one bad; then perhaps David Icke has been right all along. We are indeed ruled by aliens and all these frightening happenings are to keep us afraid and in line.

After all, as on another thread, more lives would be saved by eradicating malaria than all the terrorist atrocities ever.
Of course these saved lives would only be African.

One thing I never understand about these islamic terrorists is why they only go after ordinary people and not authority figures.
So when we are hit with earth quakes, floods, rain and thunder, tsunamis, God doesn't cause these destructive things, it is the work of Devil, it is the byproduct of his Energy having been transformed into matter that attained physical laws and Devil tries to stir trouble, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of God's Positive Energy, it is like a lion being tied and he tries to free himself and struggles, in doing he stirs up dust! so same way Devil tries to struggle free himself and tries to destroy earth and regain his energy back, unfortunately we are the wiser so we have to build houses that are quake proof, build dwellings in higher areas away from shores, we cannot blame God, that is life and its ups and down, so that may also answer why a small creature lays eggs in the eyes of a child and blinds him for life.
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...but you said god is the energy which created the universe - fair enough if that's what you think.

Surely that does not compute with such things as human manifestations like Jesus or a devil.

If you think this energy can turn itself into human form; one good, one bad; then perhaps David Icke has been right all along. We are indeed ruled by aliens and all these frightening happenings are to keep us afraid and in line.

After all, as on another thread, more lives would be saved by eradicating malaria than all the terrorist atrocities ever.
Of course these saved lives would only be African.

One thing I never understand about these islamic terrorists is why they only go after ordinary people and not authority figures.
I agree, it is a huge huge task to fully comprehend the creation in a go, we could perhaps spend all our lives trying to make sense of it, and we probably will never fully comprehend, but you should not have any problem in understanding how energy can manifest itself into anything if you watched that video, if energy can make perfect authentic CD discs, snake, would it be difficult for God also to manifest a son named Jesus, and like Lord Krishna, why not, they are based on the same logical principles.

Problem is the religious leaders have poisoned their followers and brainwashed them and brought hatred, hence the cause of all wars on earth.

To give you an example, say God asked me to sacrifice my cat in his name, I would refuse that, I will tell God that I am sorry God, and you know why God, because you know anyone can sacrifice an animal, you only have to tie its legs and slice its throat, but I am sorry God that is no bravery, instead I will try not to offend God and instead offer him my own life if I feel brave enough, but no real God would have wanted an animal sacrifice, since he is the creator why would he thrive on petty things like animal sacrifice. Sacrifice and blood pouring has always been associated with Devil worshipping.
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So when we are hit with earth quakes, floods, rain and thunder, tsunamis, God doesn't cause these destructive things, it is the work of Devil, it is the byproduct of his Energy
Why is that the devil's energy and not god's original energy? Just because it's bad for us?
Efl, I do not have answers for everything, I an threading with caution, we do not understand fully and even quantum physics is unable to explain things yet, the more you will see Dynamo's videos the more you will convince yourself that we do not know anything yet, and we could be threading into the unknown, hence why I will never dismiss God, I know scientist cannot find proof of his existence, but when you watch Dynamo, how things just materialise in seconds, perhaps scientist could learn a thing or two how to use this power or energy to space travel, and visit other planets. Science has yet to figure out the supernatural, which they rubbish as tricks, or illusion, like they dismiss God.

Some other very interesting Dynamo's video and I am sure it will leave you with many questions, science has no ability to explain, this is all about supernatural:

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So when we are hit with earth quakes, floods, rain and thunder, tsunamis, God doesn't cause these destructive things, it is the work of Devil, it is the byproduct of his Energy
Why is that the devil's energy and not god's original energy? Just because it's bad for us?
If you read my post where I explained the two forms of energies, the good and the bad, (positive and Negative) when they were in equilibrium, their net result was ZERO, or Nothing, but then due to a small fluctuation it caused imbalance and God's Positive Energy overpowered Devil's Negative Energy and God had to do something to curtail Devil, so he utilised His Energy to create Matter (Universe) and so everything inside universe is formed from the Devils Energy, God overlooks to ensure Devil does not annihilate matter back into his original Energy and start confronting God once more, therefore each time we face crises, it is always the Negative Energy that causes mayhem, everything in this Universe revolves around Negatively charged Electron, this is why God and material world are not compatible, hence our conscious and intelligence is the only thing that can understand and communicate with God, we cannot interact with God through physical means unless God himself manifest on earth in human form.

Last magic bean ....i am gobsmacked! I know what it is like to lose a house, you need to delve around Positive Energy, where the heck do you find that, try a local Church! :sneaky:
The devil does indeed exist.
Divorced it once. Lost my f*cking house.
I think it was Charlie Sheen who said he had lost more than half his money (still plenty left) to his last divorce settlement.

He said he was not too down heartened as the Judge told him it would have been even more had she actually contributed anything to the marriage. :LOL:
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