When considering in or out:

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How can or could it be forbidden to leave? What would they do to us - close the border?

Wasn't Rhodesia forbidden to leave?
Before someone says "Look what happened to them", that was not because they left.
WE can't exit Europe now anyway. There would be another world war immediately. Bacon face said so it must be true.
No he didn't.

I'm sending you a Grip in the post. Try to keep this one, you've lost your own.
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The same bacon face who was threatening that very same fate in order to re-negotiate how child welfare is paid.

Well that's convenient. Quote something from an official, then can't find the source.
Well, I'm sorry that I can't find it with a quick search and that I really don't have what could be several hours trying to track it down again from several years ago.

What does this have to do with EU?
It was introduced by a Home Secretary to deal with terrorist suspects.
And it is a step in the direction of the European model of being able to hold suspects without charge for far longer than has traditionally been the case in Britain. It's set a precedent, which can now be used to argue for extended detention without charge for more and more things.[/quote][/QUOTE]
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Interesting to see that PBC is agreeing with the sentiments of a paedophile:

Oops, sorry innocent until proved guilty and all that!
Obviously his, is a valuable opinion. :rolleyes:
First I've seen of that, but as you've said, right now it's just an allegation. In the case of somebody of his profile who's stirred up something of a hornet's nest, it may even be planted evidence to try and discredit him and remove him from the scene. It wouldn't be the first time such a thing had happened.

But even so, what does it have to do with his views on the similarities between the the old USSR and emerging EUSSR?
Aha! So PBC is using the "durhamplumber" username as an alias!

Either that, or he imagines that he has a telepathic ability to read durhamplumber's mind, and permission to speak on his behalf.
No, just that I thought the evidence of the U.K.'s membership of the this "club" so far is the pretty obvious reason for believing that it will continue to get worse. If that's not so, then I'm sure durhamplumber will explain.
I'm sure he will if you stop interfering and trying to speak for him. I guess you didn't score many points in the FT quiz.
Are you seriously suggesting they would invade?

And it is a step in the direction of the European model of being able to hold suspects without charge for far longer than has traditionally been the case in Britain. It's set a precedent, which can now be used to argue for extended detention without charge for more and more things.
Who is it runs Guantanamo - in a country they have crippled for decades?
Interesting to see that PBC is agreeing with the sentiments of a paedophile:

Oops, sorry innocent until proved guilty and all that!
Obviously his, is a valuable opinion. :rolleyes:
First I've seen of that, but as you've said, right now it's just an allegation. In the case of somebody of his profile who's stirred up something of a hornet's nest, it may even be planted evidence to try and discredit him and remove him from the scene. It wouldn't be the first time such a thing had happened.

But even so, what does it have to do with his views on the similarities between the the old USSR and emerging EUSSR?
Ha, a charge against someone, who shares your opinion, was planted. :rolleyes:
It has absolutely nothing to do with his opinion on USSR or EU. It does demonstrate that his power of reason is perverted and not to be trusted or considered.
He was a conspiracy theorist. You're following his lead on that as well:
In a February 2006 interview with The Brussels Journal, Bukovsky said he had read confidential documents from secret Soviet files in 1992 which confirmed the existence of a "conspiracy" to turn the European Union into a socialist organisation. The European Union was a "monster", he argued, and it must be destroyed, the sooner the better, "before it develops into a full-fledged totalitarian state".
Further more, he compared the legislation on smoking within the EU to illustrate his conspiracy theory:
Today's ideology of the European Union is social-democratic, statist, and a big part of it is also political correctness. I watch very carefully how political correctness spreads and becomes an oppressive ideology, not to mention the fact that they forbid smoking almost everywhere now.
And you want me to take his opinion seriously?
You're having a laugh.
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