Wikileaks 'insurance' file...

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Presumably when Wikileaks gets taken down, due to the latest leak about American government stuff slagging other nations off, and free speech on the internet is restricted, they will launch a virus/ghost site?

The recent story of the military having some Taliban commander, who was really a shopkeeper (probably was), attending high level meetings, latest report he has 'disappeared', or more likely is wearing concrete boots at the bottom of the sea.

I can't see how the Taliban are so organised, as they are so underground, but have such an effective stategy, against hundreds of years of British military incompetence/power (Charge of the light brigade, Battle of the Somme, spring to mind, thousands ordered to march into death), plus they beat the Russians, and they don't take prisoners, literally.
The irony of the reaction to the upcoming release... :rolleyes:

The British government is so worried that last night it issued a D-Notice, warning that publishing the secrets could compromise national security.

I wonder how Assange will be killed.... a la Kelly?
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Could of course be scaremongering of the highest order.
Ellal, do you think everything should be quite open? There should be no secrets when the government are waging war on those against our way of life?
Perhaps the police should give suspected terrorists/would be bombers, notice that they were under surveillance. (that'll worry them).
Perhaps the police and Home Office should publish daily, a list of names of those who plot against us in this country?
What do you reckon??? Maybe this would stop them.
I think we are entitled to know the truth, and that is very different!

Are you happy that innocent people are being tortured and killed in our name?..

And do you not think that our elected representatives should be held to account when they lie to us?...Especially over this so called 'war on terror'!

It's going to be quite interesting to read, if as hinted at, the disdain that the US holds other countries in...

US officials say the publication of such reports, which often contain candid assessments from embassy staff and ambassadors about foreign governments and leaders, has the potential to harm relations between Washington and its allies.

Good..As far as I'm concerned, the sooner we distance ourselves from US policies, the safer we become!
Perhaps the police should give suspected terrorists/would be bombers, notice that they were under surveillance. (that'll worry them).
Would have stopped an innocent man being executed on the London underground.
I think we are entitled to know the truth.

Are you happy that innocent people are being tortured and killed in our name?

To quote Jack Nicholson. "You can't handle the truth." :

Are you happy, that terrorists kill and maim people both here and abroad?
The first victims of wars are usually the innocent.

Nah, seriously, if we lived in a completely open society, do you think these terrorists would let the authorities know what they were planning?

Some things need to be kept secret.
But, who cares if some American politician/ ambassador says privately that Brown was a buffoon and Blair was a lapdog? Or that Berlusconi is a dirty old man, or that Sarkozi is a short, cheese eating surrender monkey?

Do you have no secrets you'd rather others didn't know? Or are you so perfect that you don't?? Hmmmmmmm
Would have stopped an innocent man being executed on the London underground.

I never said mistakes didn't happen. BTW that person was here illegally. No excuse I know , but had he not been here, he'd still be alive.

Perhaps it might have stopped the London Bombings too and stopped quite a few innocent people from losing their lives. ;) ;)
BTW that person was here illegally. No excuse I know , but had he not been here, he'd still be alive.
Brilliant analogy,lets shoot on sight and if they are not supposed to be here, tough, you should have stayed at home,where ever that is.
It wasn't an analogy. I was simply stating a fact.
I'm not saying they should implement a shoot to kill policy. This was a genuine mistake. Your just taking things out of context Passepartout.
What if he had been a bomber? Following the aftermath of the London tube bombings, can you blame people for making mistakes? Albeit a high profile mistake.
Anyone who can honestly put their hands up and say "I've never made a mistake in my life." are either liars , or have done NOTHING at all in their life.
Any mistakes I have made have not lead to anyone being executed,I,m sure this as been discussed on here before as well as pubs and clubs up and down the country so will it there.
Are you happy, that terrorists kill and maim people both here and abroad?
The first victims of wars are usually the innocent.
Are you happy that some of those 'terrorists' wear army uniforms?

See that's what some don't get...what is the object of a 'terrorist'? It's to instill terror, and whether that comes from a suicide bomb against civilians or so called 'collateral damage' against civilians, the effect is the same!...there is deliberate disregard for innocent lives on both sides!

But, who cares if some American politician/ ambassador says privately that Brown was a buffoon and Blair was a lapdog? Or that Berlusconi is a dirty old man, or that Sarkozi is a short, cheese eating surrender monkey?
So if no-one should care, what's the problem with it being published then?... ;)

Do you have no secrets you'd rather others didn't know? Or are you so perfect that you don't?? Hmmmmmmm
I don't go around starting illegal wars though... ;)

BTW that person was here illegally. No excuse I know , but had he not been here, he'd still be alive.
Funny that...if we weren't in Afghanistan or Iraq illegally, then most of this info wouldn't have been written in the first place would it... :rolleyes:
From: Andrew Vallance
Sent: Fri 26/11/2010 12:42
To: Sunday Telegraph; Ian Martin; Sunday Telegraph; Channel Five; Caroline Wyatt; C4 News Desk; Sun; Kevin Brown; Sunday Mail; Mail on Sunday; Five TV; Associated Press TV; William Lewis; Tim Marshall; Press Gazette; Allister Heath; Jonathan Collett; Daily Telegraph; Daily Record; Evening Standard; Daily Star; Independent on Sunday; Observer; Foresight News; Daily Express; Sunday Times; Financial Times; Associated Press; Times; Spark FM; chris wissun; Sunday Mirror; Sunday Herald; News of the World; Tom Newton-Dunn; Stephen Abell; Scotsman; Press Association; BFBS Will Inglis; Will Gore; Mark Birdsall; Guardian; Daily Mail; Daily Mirror; People; Foresight News; Telegraph Legal; Glenmore Trenear-Harvey; Sunday Post; Reuters; ITV News Desk; Independent; Evening Times; Jonathan Grun; Glasgow Herald; Five TV

Subject: DA Notice Letter of Advice to All UK Editors – Further Wikileaks Disclosures

To All Editors

Impending Further National Security Disclosures by Wikileaks

I understand that Wikileaks will very shortly release a further mass of US official documents onto its internet website. The full scope of the subject matter covered by these documents remains to be seen, but it is possible that some of them may contain information that falls within the UK’s Defence Advisory Notice code. Given the large number of documents thought to be involved, it is unlikely that sensitive UK national security information within these documents would be recognised by a casual browser. However, aspects of national security might be put at risk if a major UK media news outlet brought such information into obvious public prominence through its general publication or broadcast.

Therefore, may I ask you to seek my advice before publishing or broadcasting any information drawn from these latest Wikileaks’ disclosures which might be covered by the five standing DA Notices. In particular, would you carefully consider information that might be judged to fall within the terms of DA Notice 1 (UK Military Operations, Plans and Capabilities) and DA Notice 5 (UK Intelligence Services and Special Forces). May I also ask you to bear in mind the potential consequential effects of disclosing information which would put at risk the safety and security of Britons working or living in volatile regions where such publicity might trigger violent local reactions, for example Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan? As always, I am available 24/7 to offer DA Notice guidance…

Yours Sincerely,

Andrew Vallance Air Vice-Marshal Secretary, Defence Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee

Dear Andrew Vallance

I am also available 24/7 to offer DA Notice guidance....

Stick it up your f*cking a*se!
I reckon if World War Three was to start tomorrow, Ellal would be the perfect candidate for recruitment as an enemy spy.(that's if he's not already one) If not then conscientious objector springs to mind.

You defend terrorism , by turning the argument around , so the terrorists are the victims. You mention innocent people, killed by roadside bombs. (it's not often on the news we here of innocent people killed by IED's It's usually soldiers doing their jobs). You conveniently forget that the majority of Afghanistan people don't want the Taliban in control, but focus on our soldiers and portray them as the terrorists.
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