Wikileaks 'insurance' file...

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I wonder why Those two card companies are particularly keen to help out this US government persecution?...

Oh yeah...

Courtesy of wikileaks...

WikiLeaks cables: US 'lobbied Russia on behalf of Visa and MasterCard'

US diplomats intervened to try to amend draft law so that it would not 'disadvantage' US credit card firms, cable says...

The US lobbied Russia this year on behalf of Visa and MasterCard to try to ensure the payment card companies were not "adversely affected" by new legislation, according to American diplomats in Moscow.

A state department cable released this afternoon by WikiLeaks reveals that US diplomats intervened to try to amend a draft law going through Russia's duma, or lower house of parliament. Their explicit aim was to ensure the new law did not "disadvantage" the two US companies, the cable states....
On tv today, they said their ATMs are protected, good to see the site still down.

No sorry to explain, a botnet would effectively press f5 from many hundreds, if not thousands of computers, onto one site, at a specific time. In what is called a DoS attack.

The ATM network couldn't be attacked, ie atm's say error 404, as they deal with many transactions offline, so in theory take out your max amount, then take it out again. But it's the clearing centres and online webhosting that is being hit. And it's going to get worse. I know 2 or 3 people that had 'adaquate' firewall/antivirus, but every click made in ie leads to a popup to download a fake antivirus, that looks like a Windows download centre page.

But atm's do run XP, Vista, OS/2, so anything that a PC can do, or get, an atm can. You could run a game remotely on an atm, as it is a normal PC, with extra bits added.
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