Will the worlds economy crash when cars are all electric

Hopefully the new rules will include the requirement for manufacturers to provide detail of how their boilers are tested on testing institutes and thus explode the myths about super efficiency values which cannot be achieved in normal domestic use.

no that will not be in it afaik . more to do with installing & efficiency of the boiler.

tis the combi market (78%) that will be targeted the most (?)
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What am I missing?

I do not understand why the price of oil dropping - because it is no longer required - would lead to a crash in the world's economy.

So far the collapse of the oil price is because the US is sucking so much out of the ground with fracking, that it has stopped being a big importer, and is now a net exporter.

Attempts by the Saudis to drive US fracking companies into bankruptcy by undercutting them have not yet been successful.

The price reduction has not caused the world's economy to crash.

However I suspect it has reduced the US need to invade foreign countries to rape their oil reserves.
I do not understand why the price of oil dropping - because it is no longer required - would lead to a crash in the world's economy.

The govenments banned pure diesel and Petrol cars from 2040, so it's not going to be that immediate, but as cars switch over to electric/hybrid cars, this means that demand for oil drops, and that means that buyers start to dictate the price, not sellers, so the price starts to drop, and then accelerates as those countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues have to produce more at the cheaper price to get the revenue they want, and that extra supply pushes the price down further. Venezualla is already in the shyte, and Russia is struggling as well, althogh part of that's from sanctions. Saudi Arabia is having to dip into reserves, and is about to put the oil companies on the stock market, possibly before they can run out of revenues from oil. And the price is currently about $50 a barrel. If it gets down to $20, some economies will just crash, and could start a flood of emigrants leaving the sinking ship.

As to gas boilers, I read an article last week where they were suggesting that gas combis should be replaced with Ground Source Fuel boilers in the future so that we weren't reliant on carbon based fuels, but I think the author didn't really know what he was talking about, as gas is the cleanest fossil fuel at the minute.
ground source heat pumps hmmmm a school we work at looked at having one installed via bore hole . never stacked up finacially tbh even with grants and a feed in tariff.

Gas . We (UK) are supposedly sitting on a massive amount of shale gas,

afaik new building regs written a good while back (?) would hgave (or will) effectively banned natural gas from any new build via efficiency targets . Gas boilers could never get to those proposed efficiency levels ? they were written prior to this shale gas caper coming to the fore ??

dunno what the situation or proposals are now. We do not get involved in new builds (fortunately)
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However I suspect it has reduced the US need to invade foreign countries to rape their oil reserves

Which countries is that? Iraq, Afghanistan?
It might come as a shock to american hating left wing loons like you but with regard to america importing oil, the overwhelming percentage does not come from the Middle East.
Canada and Latin America provide the United States with 34.7 percent of its imported oil. Africa provides another 10.3 percent. The entire Persian Gulf, led by Saudi Arabia at 8.1 percent, provides it with a total of 12.9 percent of imported oil.
America never went in to Iraq for the oil reserves, they did it for the money the contractors could rip off off of the defence budgets, and all the side deals, and private contractors that would get a cut of the action. Hate to think how much Cheyney and the others made from that debacle.
The govenments banned pure diesel and Petrol cars from 2040, so it's not going to be that immediate, but as cars switch over to electric/hybrid cars, this means that demand for oil drops, and that means that buyers start to dictate the price, not sellers, so the price starts to drop, and then accelerates as those countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues have to produce more at the cheaper price to get the revenue they want, and that extra supply pushes the price down further. Venezualla is already in the shyte, and Russia is struggling as well, althogh part of that's from sanctions. Saudi Arabia is having to dip into reserves, and is about to put the oil companies on the stock market, possibly before they can run out of revenues from oil. And the price is currently about $50 a barrel. If it gets down to $20, some economies will just crash, and could start a flood of emigrants leaving the sinking ship.
Yes, but that isn't the world's economy.

Swings and roundabouts, surely.

Do you consider Arabia not being awash with money a bad thing?
America never went in to Iraq for the oil reserves, they did it for the money the contractors could rip off off of the defence budgets, and all the side deals, and private contractors that would get a cut of the action. Hate to think how much Cheyney and the others made from that debacle.
Does Haliburton not own 75% 0f Iraqi oil for thirty years?
Sorry EFL, I took your comment at face value, rather than a trick one, so didn't check it's veracity. So you're saying that Haliburton now own 75% of Iraqi oil, since the invasion, but that still justifies my point (as well as educating me) that Bush got suckered in to the war, for the the money that people like Cheyney would make out of it, not for what America would get from it.
And where does electricity come from ......STEAM TURBINES. ....ironic that the industrial revolution started with the same power source .......

So we've got nuclear reactors .....wood pellets and coal .......the figures were that China was opening two or three coal powered generating plants per week or something similar they couldnt give two hoots re the carbon footprint. The latest figures suggest wood pellets have a carbon footprint the same as coal when you take everything in to account ..... wood conversion transportation by ships and rail..... nuclear well that would be ok if it wasn't for the waste problem.

So electric cars the answer ....I don't think so ......
Maybe this .....

Or this
But the point of this thread is electric cars reducing the need for oil that could cause an economic crash around the world. Coal doesn't come into it.
Yes but electric cars need electricity and where that comes from and what's needed to produce it is relevant as far as I can see.

Plus oil will still be used because it's cheaper and less developed countries will still use oil and not electricity. As long as it's available it will, be used.
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