From what I have read you need to provide the LABC with an installation certificate this can only be filled in by the person who has done the work and is available with provision for three signatures.
Designer (i.e. You)
Installer (again you)
Inspection and testing (the electrician you hire)
AFAICT, in practice electricians will not sign the I&T part of an EIC if they do not believe that the person(s) who signed the other parts are qualified to do so.
You could of course inspect and test yourself and if the LABC don't agree with your findings they then can re-test at their expense.
Nope - too late for that as he didn't notify in advance via a Building Notice or Full Plans Submission, describe how he would comply with Part P and pay the fee.
Now he is at the mercy of his LABC and will have to do whatever they ask.
if you read page 11 section 1.26 it seems to me you don't have to pay for the test.
For work properly notified in advance.
mosaix is into the realms of regularisation, so none of the "they should do this" parts of Approved Document P will apply.
GaryMo is correct in fact if you read Part P is does say how even this may not be required (1.13) although BS7671:2008 does not agree with this.
Bear in mind two things:
1) You don't have to do anything which Approved Document P says - it is not the law.
2) Even if you do follow it there's no requirement to comply with BS 7671.
I often wonder what the council does if you submit a certificate which is not up to the required standard.
You can't, not if you follow the process properly, because if you notify in advance you will have to say as part of your submission how you intend to comply with Part P.
IF you choose to comply with it via the route of complying with BS 7671, and you don't meet that standard then you've not done the work in the way you told them you would and I guess they'd ask for it to be re-done.
Reading Part P they are responsible and would then need to do it themselves? Do read 1.24 to me that says they (the LABC) are responsible for site safety and as such I would say they should fill in and provide the certificate. But 1.27 says they will not fill in the certificate which seems a contradiction to what it says as to responsibility for site safety.
It only seems a contradiction if you don't understand any of the following
- that Part P is part of the Building Regulations, not the Wiring Regulations
- that EICs & MWCs are not Building Regulations completion certificates
- that there is no legal requirement to comply with the Wiring Regulations
- that you don't have to comply with the Wiring Regulations in order to comply with the Building Regulations.
1.27 says that they won't issue an EIC. And they won't - they've not been paid to - they've been paid to check compliance with the Building Regulations and to issue a Building Regulations completion certificate.