Wood burners are bad for your health

28 Jul 2018
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United Kingdom
Wood burners triple the level of harmful pollution particles inside homes and should be sold with a health warning, says scientists, who also advise that they should not be used around elderly people or children.


The research was conducted in 19 homes in Sheffield over the course of a month at the start of 2020. The wood burners used were all models certified by the government as “smoke exempt appliances”, meaning they produce less smoke.


The government is phasing out the sale of wet wood, which produces more smoke, but the people in the study used only dry, seasoned wood.

Annoying to hear, I always liked the idea of a wood burner.

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this issue is coming to the fore in particular in light of the recent court case brought by a mother whos daughter died from air polution

we work on 2 district wood burning (pellet) heating schemes . the area always smells of smoke

and they get a subsidy because its green :LOL:
You have to wonder how many users actually know how to run one properly. I never leave the door open and always use wood that has been properly seasoned. my burner circulates so once its going there just a swirl of heat.
We have an open wood fire which I absolutely love - if it's bad for my health then so be it.
we're only in that room a couple of hours every night and it is only when the wind is in a certain direction does it ever have that wonderful bothy type aroma.

Was out in the sun today for 15 minutes without factor 50 on so that along with an open fire will probably knock 10 years off my innings.
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well the way things are going

dont be surprised if those using a wood fire dont get sued by there neighbour , because there child got the sniffles or astmha

The scheister legal profesion will be all over it to get there snouts in the trough ;)
Damn stinking things, I can tell when I go into a house that has a wood burner it stinks. Bit like owning a dog, they stink as well especially big dogs.
So is alcohol, sugar, fat, no sun, too much sun, too little exercise, ultra-marathons ...

We all need some home comforts!
Mrs CB always wanted a wood burner until we visited some friends in an Airbnb with one, not sure the wood was seasoned, when we got in the car we both stunk of smoke, thats put her off thankfully
We have a wood burner and also a multi-fuel fire, i.e. can burn coal, coke or wood. As we live in the countryside most of our neighbours also have solid fuel heating devices, however, unlike townies we don't have as much vehicle pollution so we can get fresh air each day which really is fresh and not polluted to the hilt by vehicle emission's.
We are also oil fired for our other heating including water heating. Since moving from the city, (where I had gas, water and electricity as standard), 8 years ago I have never felt healthier.
We have a wood burner and also a multi-fuel fire, i.e. can burn coal, coke or wood. As we live in the countryside most of our neighbours also have solid fuel heating devices, however, unlike townies we don't have as much vehicle pollution so we can get fresh air each day which really is fresh and not polluted to the hilt by vehicle emission's.
We are also oil fired for our other heating including water heating. Since moving from the city, (where I had gas, water and electricity as standard), 8 years ago I have never felt healthier.

Plus you have a filter in your mouth sometimes ;)
Wood burners are on the radar due to particulate pollution

Pollution from brake dust has Been mentioned
Or sited aswel
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