You have only yourselves to blame

7 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Well i just saw the news and god knows whats going to happen to you next.

The day before the election the news is released that the economy bubble has burst and it could be recession, also tax increases.

With everything else that he will do to you now, why the hell did you elect them again.

Great Britain 00000 - 2005 R.I.P.
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Not guilty. I did all I could do. BTW, Great Britain died a lot longer ago than 2005 :(
Yes but this shower of ****s will bury her for good now
Freddie said:
The day before the election the news is released that the economy bubble has burst and it could be recession, also tax increases.
When Blair will see this happening he will step down, take his money & run to the EU to get out of it. At least now they cannot blame anyone by themselves. Those of you has voted Blair is going to sell England down the river.

Even Labour Financial Times is worried because unemployment is now rising and business is falling plus house prices may fall because of it.
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At least it was only 1/6th of the population that voted Bliar in again, they must need their heads looking at, about time we looked at our voting system me thinks. Made me laugh when I heard they they were going to enlist the help of the private sector to help out in schools and hospitals. Funny, I thought that was one on the Tory manifesto pledges.
Oh well, four more years of dishonesty, higher taxes and failure to deliver :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
So where are all the labour supporters that were on previous posts?

Personally, I'm gutted by the result.

I can't physically believe the kind of turnover Labour achieved in their key seats!
Where are these people so happy?

nstreet said:
...... Made me laugh when I heard they they were going to enlist the help of the private sector to help out in schools and hospitals...

Just like the railways .... :cry:
Obviously we are a nation of f**kwits. If stupidity is made an imprisonable offence, then we won't make this mistake again.

At least I have a clear conscience, knowing that I didn't vote for Team Moron and Operation Sell-out.

Although, my sleep would be 10% more refreshing and women would be 15% better looking under a Tory government. ;)
petewood said:
AdamW said:
women would be 15% better looking under a Tory government. ;)

How can this be so when Labour have Cherie Blair?

This comment would have been 18% more ironic and a staggering 24% more humourous if our government was true blue now. ;)
Leaving aside the fact that you can get such a majority with only 36% of the vote, here's another statistic......

Total Labour vote in England - 7,959,919
Total Conservative vote in England - 7,986,393

Don't expect devolution or PR any day soon.
jtaunton said:
Leaving aside the fact that you can get such a majority with only 36% of the vote, here's another statistic......

Total Labour vote in England - 7,959,919
Total Conservative vote in England - 7,986,393

Don't expect devolution or PR any day soon.

Personally I would rather see an overhaul of the system to one more representative such as PR(even though that is far from perfect either). However the Tories can hardly gripe about these terrible stats, both Lab and Tory have had a chance of changing it if they wished. The obvious conclusion is they are both equally as bad as each other and therefore happy with the status quo. Much as I don't support the Lab party we have to accept what the people have said, even though the system stinks.

The main thing that bothers me is that this result practically assures TB gets off with his vile antics in Iraq.
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